Chapter 2

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Who knew something could be so awkward.  I don't know what I expected when I let a stranger help me home.  Well, try to anyway.  I glanced up at Kyle, frowning when I noticed he was already looking at me.

"What?"  I asked, scrunching up my nose.  It was weird having someone I didn't know stare at me.  He seemed nice, but I still didn't know him.

"Nothing,"  Kyle shrugged, smirking, "I just wanted to see how long it took you to notice that I was staring at you."  Really?  I tugged my jacket tighter around me, suddenly feeling really uncomfortable.

"Oh..."  I muttered.  He was weird, really weird.  Suddenly, Kyle burst out laughing next to me.

"Oh my god, you're so uncomfortable right now!"  He chuckled, bending over and holding his stomach.  That's how hard he was laughing.  People on the side walk next to us started to stare, and walked faster just to get away.

"Jerk!"  I laughed, punching his arm playfully.  And just like that all the awkwardness and tension was gone, evaporated into the air.

"Hey,"  He pouted, faking hurt.  "I'm not a jerk...Just an ass at times."  What?  That makes no sense!  I gave him a puzzled look, laughing at his stupidity.

"You just insulted yourself, you're an idiot."

"And proud of it."  He smiled at me, sending me a cheeky wink.  "Well, I think we've been wandering around long enough, see anything familiar?"  I shook my head, my gut clenching slightly.  We had been walking around random neighborhoods for two hours hoping I would recognize something.  No such luck.  "Well then, I guess you'll have to use my phone to call your mom."

I stopped in the center of the side walk, one foot still hovering above the cement, and slowly turned around to face him.  He was smiling at me in an innocent way, holding out his iPhone.  My mouth had definitely fell open in shock, probably letting all the bugs that flew around at night down my throat.

"You..."  I cleared my throat, trying to keep my voice level.  The emotion that was flowing through me is hard to explain, a mix between shock, and wondering just how stupid a person could be. "You had your phone this whole time, and you didn't think to let me use it?!"  By the time I finished my sentence, I was practically yelling at him.

Kyle flinched, "Well..."  He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "If I had, I wouldn't of been able to spend the past two hours with you."  Slowly, his confidence was coming back, I could see it seeping back as his eyes regained their sparkle.  As if to prove my point, he winked at me.

"Whatever,"  I huffed, grabbing the phone out of his hand.  At any other time I would've turned into a complete girl at that remark and giggle like an idiot.  But at that moment, I was more focused on what my mother was going to say.


"Where the hell have you been?!"  I flinched at my mother voice, slamming the car door closed in the process.  Before responding, I shot Kyle a apologetic smile as my mother sped off.  He was actually laughing at my misery.  "And who was that boy?"

"Mom, I-"

"This isn't like you at all, Serenity!  I just want to know what's going on.  Is it the move?  Because this is totally unacceptable regardless of our home, and I just want to say that I've-"

"Mom!"  I screamed, slamming my hand down on the dash board.  She quickly shut her mouth, set her jaw, and stared straight ahead.  The silence and tension in the car was enough to kill someone.  I could feel the anger radiating off of her body in waves, making me cringe internally.

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