Chapter 43

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Walking out of the studio building, I was shaking.  I dreaded going back to the contestant house, because there I would have to tell the boys I was out of the band.  And break up with Kyle, something I was not in any way ready to do. 

The fresh air outside did little to clear my thoughts.  And though it probably wasn't the best of ideas, I set off on a walk down the sidewalk.  It seemed everywhere I went these days I set off a fury of whispers around me, by people walking by or by people who had caught a glimpse of me.  It was confusing.  I couldn't quite tell if I liked the attention or if I wanted to go back to being a nobody.

Taking deep, soothing breaths, I tried to block Mia from my thoughts and ignore the group of teenage girls who had burst into giggles when I glanced at them.  All I wanted was some alone time, was that to much to ask for?

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, though, I realized that was the last thing I wanted.  I needed someone to talk to and comfort me, and hopefully make me feel better.  It couldn't be the boys, because they weren't aloud to know about this.  It couldn't be Hope, because obviously our relationship was a little rocky.  Who else did I have?  I was alone.

And then it hit me.  It was like a physical force that gripped my shoulders and rooted my feet into place.  How could I have forgotten about him?  I hadn't meant too, not at all, there had just been so much stress and problems lately that I hadn't had much time for my friends.  Poor Vincent, I felt horrible.

I ripped out my phone and found the number in my contact, just hoping that he wouldn't be mad at me.  Maybe if I explained very nicely why I had neglected to call or text him, he wouldn't be as mad.

It rang three times before he picked up.

"Serenity," He answered with an obvious smile in his voice, "I was wondering when you would remember about me."

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, surprised by the sound of my own voice.  It came out as a choked sob that sounded pitiful.  Before I had spoken I hadn't realized I had been crying.  Whether they were angry tears or tears of sadness, I didn't know.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, concern lacing his voice, "I'm not mad, I was just teasing, that's all!"

I chuckled humorously, "I-I know...Thanks for that.  I'd be mad if I was in your position."  Suddenly I was exhausted and didn't have the will to walk any farther.  There was a bench just up ahead, so I walked towards it.

"No, I know you're busy with the show and such." He assured me.  I didn't feel much better. "But seriously, you sound upset.  What happened?  What's wrong?" 

"Everything," I croaked, fighting the fresh tears with all my might.  "Can we meet up somewhere?  I need to talk to someone, and it can't be Kyle." My request was met with silence.  The thought crossed my mind that maybe he didn't want to hear about my problems, and I would've totally understood that.  But at the same time I would've been hurt.

"Yeah, of course," He finally sighed, lifting a huge weight off my shoulders. "I'm at the beach with Anna right now, though.  Can you meet us here?"

"Sure," I replied.  The idea of a beach day was greatly appealing, especially with the everything going on.  I needed a break, and I definitely deserved one.

Twenty minutes later, I had managed to catch a taxi and make it to the beach.  On the way I had tried to clean up as much as I could, getting rid of the tear tracks and smudged makeup, but my eyes were still swollen and my nose was red and splotchy.  Those things wouldn't go away, and I had eventually given up the attempt.

Finding Vincent and Anna had been the hard part.  Vincent had told me they would be waiting at a hot dog stand, but they were no where to be found.  So, I waited.  And waited. And waited some more.  Finally, after what seemed like forever, they had shown up, apologizing profusely.  Apparently they had been at a different hot dog stand.

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