Chapter 40

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Because I got last pick on a bed, I had been stuck with a top bunk. I'm not sure what it is, but no one ever wants those, including myself. When I was little, I had fallen off a bunk bed, so I was pretty much traumatized for life. It had taken me hours to fall asleep. Just when I was starting to dream, my phone, which I had tucked into my sheets because I had no where else for it, vibrated.

Kyle<3 - Meet me downstairs in five minutes.... ;)

The clock on my phone said four thirty in the morning. I let out a heavy sigh and flopped back down on my bed, rubbing my eyes with slack fists. It was way to early, and I was way to sleep deprived for this. Whatever he wanted couldn't of waited until the sun was up?

Being extremely careful not to wake up Maria, Bailey, or Lena, I sneaked out of the room. It was weird in a way, being in a house now. I had gotten so used to the hotel that it felt weird being in a actual home with actual people other then Kyle. I wasn't used to sneaking around, but I managed to get downstairs without waking anyone up.

"Kyle," I hissed, poking my head around the corner into the living room. Obviously, Kyle hadn't thought this plan through. This house was so big, and it was so dark, that there was no possible way I could find him when I could hardly see my feet. Unfortunately, I had been stupid and left my phone in my room.

And suddenly, hands grabbed me around the waist and a nose snuggled into my neck. I almost screamed, but at the last second Kyle slapped a hand over my mouth. Heart racing, terrified, I slowly turned around to face him.

"Sorry," He whispered, "I didn't mean to scare you.."

"It-It's alright," I stuttered, placing a hand over my racing heart. "What do you want?"

"Well, someone's in a good mood," He chuckled, grabbing my hips and pulling me into him. A smile tugging at my lips, I snaked my arms around his neck. He placed his forehead to mine, giving me a Eskimo kiss. "I wanted to see you. This is when we have to spend time together now, if we're going to keep this a secret."

Suddenly, all the resentment I had felt two seconds before rushed away. I was no longer tired, and my heart was no longer racing because of being scared. Tilting my head up ever so slightly, I planted a soft, lingering kiss on Kyle's lips. When I pulled away, he groaned.

"That's all I get? Come on, I've had to keep my hands off you all day." He whined, giving me puppy dog eyes. Trust me, I felt the same way he did, but one of us had to be the mature one. If we let this get out of hand now, someone would catch us in a very compromising position. Plus, teasing him a little would be fun.

"Sorry, babe," I smirked, pulling away. I started to walk away, but I took no more then two steps before he grabbed me again, spinning me around and lifting my off the ground.

"Well, I'm not done yet," He whispered, crashing his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss, gripping small fist fulls of his curly hair. There was no getting out of it now, I knew it. We both had close to no self control, which is a bad combination.

Slowly, when he knew I wasn't going to pull away, Kyle lowered me to the ground so that my feet could touch the floor. I stood on tip toe so we could get impossibly closer. Kyle pushed me backwards so that my back made contact with the wall. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Whenever Kyle kissed me with so much passion, my brain got extremely foggy. It was like someone had put a blanket over my thoughts, and everything became muddled. All my senses were in overdrive; my fingers tingled from where I touched his hair, neck, and back, and his lips tasted unbelievably sweet. Only when Kyle's lips left mine and started to leave small, sweet pecks down my neck, was I able to formulate understandable thoughts.

"Kyle," I croaked, having to clear my throat to be able to speak, "Kyle, we should stop." He grunted, and started sucking on the spot just below my ear that he knew I liked. Involuntarily, I groaned and threw my head back. This seemed to only encourage him.

There was a creak from somewhere upstairs, and immediately Kyle flew off of me. Although I missed the contact, I knew it was for the best. That wasn't the biggest issue on my mind, though. I was worried about who was awake above us. We stood in silence, hardly daring to breathe, waiting for the next sign as to where this person was in the house.

The next creak came from the stairs, and I knew we were about to get caught. The sitars were only a few feet to our right, there was no way that person wouldn't see us in about two seconds. I was frozen, my heart clenching, at a loss for what to do. Just as I saw a shadow of legs on the wall, Kyle firmly gripped my arm and yanked hard.

I stumbled, startled, and fell to the hard ground. There was no noise, though, thank God. I remained still, listening hard, trying to make sense of what the hell had just happened. Something clicked softly, like a door closing, and then there was complete silence. My only guess was that Kyle had pulled us into a closet that had been conveniently in the right place at the right time.

"Kyle, is that you?" A voice asked from outside the door. I flew to my feet and pressed my ear against the door.

"Yeah, what're you doing?" Kyle said, obviously trying to sound casual. He was failing, just in case you were curious. Cursing under my breath, I wondered why he was stupid enough to stay outside of the closet, when there was plenty of room for both of us.

"I thought I heard a noise down here, so I came to check. Is something wrong?" That voice sounded so familiar, and yet I just couldn't place where I had heard it before. It was deep, obviously male, and had a weird twang to it.

"No no, I was just getting a drink of water. I was about to head back up when I heard you." He forced a chuckle that didn't sound at all real, and then I heard him walk away from the door. "Come on, it's late and we need the sleep."

"Are you sure nothings wrong...?" The guy asked again, and the footsteps stopped. When the footsteps stopped, I stopped breathing. It had gotten so quiet that I was sure if I exhaled even slightly they would hear me and my cover would be broken.

"Yeah, why would anything be wrong?"

"You just seem a bit jumpy, that's all..."

"I'm fine, I promise. Come on," The footsteps resumed, but I still didn't dare to breathe. Even when the steps were long gone I didn't move. I stayed crouched, with my ear pressed against the door, blinking into the darkness. I was still in shock. If Kyle had waited two more seconds, or we hadn't heard that guy upstairs, we would all be screwed.

One thing was for sure, that couldn't happen again. We had to start being more careful, and more quiet, because obviously mystery guy had heard something.

When all was quiet for about ten minutes, I finally let myself creak open the closet door. It was still dark outside, but as far as I could tell the hallway before me was empty. Silent like a cat, I slipped out of the closet and up the sitars, not making a sound. I knew that whoever had come downstairs wouldn't be asleep yet, but I couldn't afford to hide any longer because the sun would be rising soon.

Everyone in my room was still asleep when I arrived, and I was able to climb into bed without waking them up, although Maria did stir slightly. I grasped my phone off my pillow to check the time, and realized I had yet another text from Kyle.

Kyle<3 - Sorry, that was way to close. My fault.

Me - It's not your fault! We just need to be more careful...

Kyle<3 - Like ninja's? ;)

Me - Yes, Kyle, Like ninja's...If we were twelve. -.-

Kyle<3 - You know you like my immatureness!

Me - ...Debatable. Goodnight, goofball.

Kyle<3 - Night, buzz kill. ;P

Rolling my eyes, I tucked my phone away and rolled over. No one had ever made me feel the way Kyle made me feel; like I was on top of the world. In all honesty, when I was with him everything was perfect. For a little while, I was able to forget about everything wrong in my life and just be happy. He put me in such a good mood, I was even able to fall asleep on the top bunk.

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