Chapter 23

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The hotel room was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! Not only was it spacious, but everything looked so expensive. I was scared to even breathe the air!

When you first walked in, your eyes were immediately drawn to the huge king size bed in the corner. It had beautiful purple silk covers and the fluffiest white pillows you had ever seen. For a brief second I worried about there only being one bed, but then my eyes fell on the couch.

There was a black leather couch with a glass coffee table sitting directly in front of it. The table was covered with magazines and a bowl of mints. Also, there was a massive TV with the remotes on top.

Gasping, I walked farther in. Once through the door way I could see the little kitchenette. There was a counter, sink, microwave, and a full dive refrigerator.

"Whoa," I heard Scott say lowly, walking in behind me. I didn't even know what to say. Walking up to the window, I felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs. We had the perfect view of LA. "That's a big closet."

I turned around to find Scott standing in our walk in closet, his mouth hanging open. "It's like another room!" He was right, it probably could be a room. Why would it need to be that big?!

"They're spoiling us," I chuckled, shaking my head. This was crazy! "Oh, wait, let's read this paper!" I said, suddenly remembering the paper the front desk had given me.

Silent City,

You will need to be at the studio Friday, eight AM. Upon arriving there you will find out your battle opponent and the song you will be performing. Until then, please enjoy the hotel. All expenses will be charged to your room, which we will play for.

Best of luck on the show!

I read the note aloud to Scott, sitting down on the bed. Oh my god it was the most comfortable thing ever!

"Okay then," Scott said, laying down next to me. "Holy cow this thing is comfortable!"

"I know right?"  I laughed, checking my phone for a text from Vincent.  I had heard nothing.  "Have you heard anything from Vincent?"

"No," Scott shook his head, "But he had to pick up Anna, so it could be a while."  Again with this Anna person?!  I really wanted to know who she was, but if I asked it would look like I was jealous, which I wasn't.  I wasn't jealous...Right?

"Okay," I shrugged, biting the inside of my mouth.  Not knowing was just about killing me!  I shouldn't care, but I just couldn't help the nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. "I'm going to go shower and get dressed."  He nodded his head, turning over and looking out the window.  I grabbed my suit case and walked into the bathroom, once again amazed by how beautiful it was.

After adjusting the water to the temperature I liked, I jumped in and washed my hair and body.  Then when I got out I wrapped my hair in a towel, pulling my make up bag from my suit case.  I applied natural make up, just foundation, mascara, and nude lipstick, before pulling on a sun dress.  It reached to about my knees, was cream color on the top, and the skirt was blue with flowers on it.  I added bracelets and lace flats, threw my wet hair into a messy bun, and decided I was good to go.

"Wow, you look nice," Scott commented from his spot on the couch, "Dressing up for anyone?"  He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making me blush.

"Shut up!" I threw a pillow at him, hitting his head.  Laughing, I checked my phone, checking my new text message.

Sorry it took so long, Anna didn't want to come to dinner.  There's a restaurant just down the street from your hotel if you want to meet there in ten?

I smiled, responding with a 'sounds good' before turning to Scott, turning my mother mode back on.

"Get yours shoes on, we're going to dinner." I said just before walking out the door, pounding on Kyle's. "Get off your lazy ass and move it, we have to be at the restaurant in ten!"  I heard him laugh on the other side of the door, making me roll my eyes.

It took ten minutes all together before I was finally able to get the boys dressed and out of the hotel.  Needless to say when we finally got to the restaurant, Vincent was waiting for us.  As soon as his eyes locked with mine I felt a lot happier about this whole thing.  Don't get me wrong, I wanted to hang out with Vincent, I just wasn't stoked about meeting Anna.

"Hey, guys," He smiled, standing up to give us all a hug. I looked around the table, no Anna in sight.  Maybe she haden't come?

"Where's Anna, dude?" Tristan asked, taking a seat.  What?  He knew who Anna was?  Why was I the only one who didn't know her?!

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in forever." Andrew added, also sitting down.  I clinched my hands and bit my lip, trying to force my face to remain impassive.  I didn't care, I didn't care, I didn't care....Okay, let's not lie, I did care.

Vincent looked around, "She went to the bathroom, but she hasn't been back for a while...I'll go check on her."  Um, why would he need to check on her in the bathroom...That's just a bit creepy.  I mean, a girl needs her privacy.  Unless...No, Serenity, don't let your mind go there!

"So," I said, attempting to break the awkward silence.  Maybe it wasn't awkward, maybe it was just me.  No matter how hard I tried to not be bothered about the Anna thing, I was.  It got worse the more I thought about it, it was embarrassing.

"What're you getting to eat?"  Kyle asked, clearly not picking up on my embarrassment.  I picked up the menu, scanning it quickly, before setting it down.

"Probably just a salad," I muttered, picking at my finger nails.  I was pretty hungry from traveling all day, but we were on a TV show now, I needed to watch what I ate.  Kyle raised an eyebrow, frowning.

"Just a salad?" I nodded. "Do you want to share a basket of fries with me, then?"  Honestly, yes, I did.  Everything smelt so amazing it made my mouth water, but I had let myself go over the past few months and had a few extra pounds I haden't had before.

"No thanks," I said.  The other boys started to whisper, probably talking about how I was 'putting myself in danger,' but I just ignored them.  I was still eating, I wasn't starving myself, so it would be fine.

"Here she is," I heard Vincent's voice say. My head snapped up. "She got lost on the way back."  Vincent was walking towards us, holding the hand of some nine year old girl.  My jaw dropped.  Was that... "Shyanna, this is Anna."

"Hi," She said, giving me a small, shy wave.  Suddenly, I felt like an idiot.  A weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I was able to breath again.  I was jealous of a nine year old?!  Wait, what's wrong with me?!  I wasn't jealous!

"Hey," I chirped, giving her my best smile.  I could feel the boys' stares on my, probably wondering why my mood had changed so fast, but I ignored them. "How're you, sweetie?"  She smiled warmly, forgetting her shyness.

"I'm good...I would be better if Vincent haden't dragged me away from Lilah," She frowned, sitting in the seat next to me.  I rose an eyebrow at Vincent questioningly.

"Lilah is her friend," He sighed, rolling his eyes. "I picked Anna up form Lilah's house before we came here."  The table filled with a chorus of 'oh's.' "I warned you before I picked you up, don't be a baby." Anna stuck her tongue out at him, making us all laugh. 

I have a feeling I would like this girl.


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