Chapter 36

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Waking up the next morning was not so pleasant. Instead of waking up on my own and beaming at the fact we were still on the show, I was brutally attacked by three teenage boys. Scott, Andrew, and Tristan all snuck into my room and jumped on top of Kyle and I. Of course this scared me, I basically jumped a mile in the air and fell off the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you people," I grumbled, pushing back my blond hair. Yeah, I'm not exactly a morning person. Somehow, Kyle was still asleep.

"You know you love us!" Tristan exclaimed, making a heart with his hands. Everyone laughed, finding my annoyance amusing.

"Fuck you," I growled, pushing myself off the ground. Now, because boys are boys, they found my comeback hilarious, so they burst out laughing again. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the first thing from my suitcase and locked myself in the bathroom.

Today, we had a day off. It was the first time in a long time that we didn't have anything to do that was involved with the show. It felt a little bit weird, but it was also a great feeling. The next day, though, boot camp started. Fifty three people were left in this competition, but by the end of tomorrow there would only be thirty. Then, after the next day, there would be twenty. And then, after the third day, sixteen would continue.

Yes, the fact that the numbers dropped so quickly was intimidating. Sometimes, it would keep me awake at night. I was beginning to wonder how I would survive this show, but then I remembered I had Kyle, and I knew everything would be okay.

After we were cut down to sixteen, we would be given mentors. The purpose of the mentor was for us to have a person to help us through the show. They also got to pick our songs for the rest of the show, and give us brutal criticism that may or may not make us cry.

I took a quick shower and hopped out, wrapping my body and hair in a towel. Then, I grabbed my makeup bag and applied light eyeliner and mascara before putting it away. I rubbed hair mouse into my hair and scrunched it, allowing it to fall into huge waves around my shoulders. After a moment, I decided to let my hair air dry, the waves would stay better if I did.

The outfit I grabbed ended up being dark blue booty shorts, and a low cut, floral tank top that was tight around my boobs but loose around my stomach and waist. I looked at myself in the mirror and, deeming myself appropriate for the world to see, left the bathroom. There, I found all the boys, including Kyle, huddled around the TV.

"Oh great, you're still here," I joked, sitting on the bed behind them.

"Shh!" They hissed at me, not even turning around. Furrowing my eyebrows, I leaned forward to see what they were watching on TV. My eyes widened when I saw myself singing onstage. They were watching the rerun of last nights show! Crap! I had told myself I would never watch an episode. I couldn't stand to see myself on stage, let alone singing or watching my facial expressions.

Lucky for me, my phone rang just as I groaned. I quickly picked it up and ran into the hall way, not wanting to disturb the boys

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller ID, because I didn't really think he would call me. Ever since he found out about Kyle and I dating, thing had been slightly awkward.

"Hey," Vincent's voice cheered, making me flinch, "long time no talk!"

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, leaning against the wall. Shit, this is not what I wanted to deal with on my day off. "We've been really busy with the show and stuff..."

"I know. Congratulations on getting through, by the way! I've been cheering for you the whole time," He said, making me blush lightly. Even though I was with Kyle, his voice still made me squeamish.

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