Midorima Shintaro x Reader

Depuis le début

One night, Oha Asa broadcasted that Cancer's luck was second-to-last and (Sign)'s luck was at the very bottom. Seeing this, (First Name) gave up on asking Midorima to accompany her in her mini grocery shopping. It was 7:45 PM that night when (First Name) went out of her house, walking to a nearby Konbini to buy some snacks and things she needed on a daily basis.

After buying some eggs, ramen, boxed milks, and some toiletries, she finally excited the Konbini at 7:55 PM. While walking, take it as a girl's danger perception, she noticed that someone was following her. She immediately texted Midorima, saying that someone was following her, and that she's scared and she didn't know what to do.

The reply that came was, "I already told you not to go out of the house because your luck is the worst today." For the first time ever since they dated, (First Name) was disappointed and hurt by Midorima's reply. For the first time she felt that he was being ridiculous by blaming her when he should've comforted her, that he will immediately come to where she was, or he could've told her some tricks to protect herself until he arrives.

In the end, she had no choice but to call Takao while fastening her steps.

"Kazunari-kun," with a hushed and trembling voice, (First Name) muttered Takao's name, "someone is following me! I'm scared, Kazunari-kun. I don't know what to do, please help me. Please." Trying to calm herself, she could only try and be brave, hoping Takao could help her. She paid great attention to her stalker as she listened to Takao.

"Calm down, (First Name)-chan. Find something, anything that you could use to defend yourself. Where are you right now? I'll go there immediately."

"I'm on an alley one street away from my house. Please hurry Kazu- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"

"(First Name)-chan? (First Name)-chan?"


The phone on (First Name)'s hands flew somewhere, the screen breaking but the phone still works. (First Name), however, was not as lucky.

At about 8:45 PM, while Midorima was watching the news on the television, a sudden breaking news caught his attention.

"We just received news that a high school student identified as (Last Name) (First Name) was found dead in the alley of (Street Name). We have here (Officer Name) to tell us what happened in the crime scene." The reporter said, handing the microphone towards the police officer beside her.

"From what we deducted on the investigation, Student (Last Name) was raped and then killed. There are marks on her neck that indicates that she was strangled while she struggled. Her head also attained some damage, but the cause of it still needed some further investigations." The officer explained.

"What about the suspect? And the motive?" The reporter asked.

"The motive is still unknown and the suspect was still unidentified but we will do our best to come up with a name immediately." The police answered.

"There you have it. It's such a pity that a highschool student would die young, and even die this way. To Student (Last Name)'s family, you have my deepest condolences. This is (Reporter's Name) reporting live from (Street Name)."

Midorima's mind was slowly processing the news that he had just watched. He was frozen in place, in his face were shock, disbelief, and pain. He suddenly remembered (First Name)'s text to him last night.

Shintaro, someone's following me. I'm scared. I don't know what to do, Shintaro. Please help me!

And yet what did he say? He blamed her for not listening to him and to Oha Asa's prediction. Instead of helping her, he unreasonably pushed the blame on her. He was such a f-ck-ng jerk!


Midorima looked at the door which was kicked open by someone. There stood an enraged Takao. This is probably the first time he saw Takao like this. Suddenly, a fist came in contact with Midorima's face, sending his glasses off the floor.

"I saw (First Name)-chan's message history when I arrived at the alley and retrieved her phone. You are an -ssh-le, Shin-chan! (First Name)-chan is your girlfriend! How could you say something like that to her when she's clearly in danger?! Earlier, I was confused why (First Name)-chan called me asking for help when clearly it should've been you who she should've asked. When I arrived, she's already dead and the f-ck-ng moron had escaped already! I found her phone not far away from her dead body. The screen was broken but the phone was still working. Out of curiosity and to answer my confusion, I checked her message history. That's when I understand why she called me instead. Shin-chan, your house is just one street awag from (First Name)'s house, two streets away from the Konbini! How could you neglect her safety just because of that f-ck-ng Oha Asa?! You.. you are the worst! I'm so disappointed in you, Shin-chan.." Takao could not contain anymore the explosive feelings inside him, and in the end, all he could do was cry.

Nobody can understand how felt when he saw (First Name), whom he treated as his sister, laying in the cold and dirty ground, her clothes torn into multiple pieces, her hair was dishevelled, her face still has some traces of suffering, as she lay there not breathing.

For who knows how long he stayed frozen, staring at (First Name)'s corpse in disbelief, before calling the police. He took off his jacket to at least cover (First Name)'s almost-naked body. Before the police arrives, he had already retrieved (First Name)'s phone. Throughout the night he was questioned by the police, only letting him go at around 8:45 PM, just before the reporters arrive at the crime scene. When he checked (First Name)'s history, he was so enraged that he directly went to Midorima's house.

Midorima also broke down, crying as if he suffered thousands of losses in basketball. It was even more painful than just suffering a loss. It was like being deprive of the most important thing in his life. That the very thing he ever treasured and loved was forcefully taken away from him and he was powerless to get it back. It hurts so much but there's nothing he could do except to regret that he didn't do something when he still had the chance.

But in this world, there's no medicine for regret.

Three days after the incident, (First Name)'s funeral was then held. Almost all of her classmates attended, even the Shuutoku basketball team members. Takao still has a bit of resentment towards Midorima and the ripple on their friendship was evidently noticed by the team.

Of course, it wasn't entirely Midorima's fault. But if he did rescue (First Name) that day, a different result would have happened. At the very least, (First Name) could have still been alive. Midorima stood in front of (First Name)'s coffin, quietly crying as he looked at (First Name)'s beautiful face, except it was missing her beautiful smile.

"I'm sorry, (First Name). I regretted everything I did and did not do. I don't even have a chance to tell you and show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I'm sorry, nanodayo. I miss you and I love you so much, (First Name)." Midorima muttered, his voice hoarse.


If I could go back in time
I'd make us so much better oh
If I can hear, If I can see
If I could hold onto your hand once again

I wanna go back to the way we used to be
I wanna feel your skin, your lips so close to me
I wanna go back when I call you mine all the time
Every smile and every moment
If only I have a time machine


Mitsuri: Alright, good news is.. I have a new phone! Yay! Bad news is.. we're starting our online and modular learning. At the best case scenarios, we will have two updates per month. The worst case scenario would be, one update every two months.

Akashi x Reader (Fake Love Part 2) would be created very soon.

As of now, let's just stay safe and enhoy reading!💜

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