Love 1

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Sweetest LOVE 4U

Love 1

Author POV


“So what time is your flight tomorrow?”

“We’ll be arriving in Bangkok at night.”

Newwiee answer the question from the lady on the computer screen.

“Okay, I will arrange a driver for you guys. He will take you to Verve Hotel, it’s right on top of our mall. You can stay there as long as you want.”

“Thank you ma’am, but we will stay there just for a week or two, until we find a suitable house for us.”

“Oh, don’t call me ma’am, you can call me Grandma Nana. Me and your grandma Sarie are best friend, that means you are my grandson too. I hope you and Tay can work together very well for the project. Oh, by the way is she around? Can I talk to her?”

“Oh, she’s right here. Then, I will see you at the office. Thank you again ma’am, aaaah……”

Grandmother Sarie smacked Newwiee’s head hard from the back.

“She told you to call her grandma Nana because she likes you.”

“Thank you grandma Nana.” Newwiee said while stroking his head.

“Good boy, now move…It’s my turn to talk to this old lady.”

Grandma Sarie pulled Newwiee away and took the seat in front of the computer screen.

“Oi…who did you call an old lady?! Look at your face, it’s all wrinkle…Have you use the cream that I sent you?”

“Stop sending me those useless cream, look at yourself, you have more wrinkle than I do…”

Newwiee leave the two old best friend arguing about their wrinkle over a video call and go back to his room to prepare his luggage for tomorrows flight.

After Newwiee’s mother passed away when gives birth to his sister Gigie, his father starts to have a drinking problem.

One day he gave up taking care of Newwiee and baby Gigie, so he sent Newwiee and Gigie to grandma Sarie.

Grandma Sarie opened an orphanage in Phuket, so in other words, Newwiee’s dad sent him and Gigie to the orphanage. His sister is still a baby at the time, so she doesn’t feel the sadness, angry and disappointment like Newwiee does.

When Newwiee thought he was the only one who feels that way, at the very same day the orphanage arrives 2 young kids that feel the same as him.

That is the day when Newwiee met his best friends Max Nattapol and Bright Vachirawit.

The 4 of them grew up in orphanage together and haven’t been to Bangkok for many years, but tomorrow, they will finally make their dreams come true by moving back to Bangkok to accomplish their plan.

“Bangkok, here we come!” Newwiee said.



“Congratulation Ahrit, I heard your dad said that you are getting married with your fiancée doctor on December. Although It seems a little rush because you only have 3 months to prepare but I’m happy that our family are getting bigger and bigger.”

“Thank you grandma Nana.”


A laughing sound coming from the end of the table catching Grandma Nana attention.

“Tay Tawan Vihokratan! What are you laughing at?”

All eyes are on Tay Tawan who seat at the end of the table when grandma Nana shout for his name.

“Sorry Nana, I was talking to Win…”

“Tell me what are you talking about?”

Tay blinks his eyes and then glanced at Win, Tul and Lee who seat beside him and asked for help.

“I…we…we are happy for Ahrit that’s all.”

Tay answered.

“What so funny about it? You know, I should ask you where is your fiancée? You are 30 now but you never bring anyone to introduce to us.”

Tay closed his eyes when listen to Grandma Nana nagging about this over and over again.

“Nana, I’m 29 not 30. Besides, Tul and Lee also never bring anyone here. Why don’t you scold them too?”

Tay talked back to Grandma Nana.

“You little brat! You are older than them. You should give them a good example. Wira, set dates for him starting this week and don’t stop until Tay choose either one of them or he find someone other than them.”

Tay let go a sigh, while Tay’s mom Wira nodded her head when Grandma Nana gave the order.

“Next month, I want to see you bring someone to our family dinner. After you, Tul, Lee and also Win you guys are next!”

The four of them lower down their head and scratching for their un itchy head.


Verve hotel - Sky Bar


Tay, Tul, Lee and Win put down their empty glass after a toast.

“Oi Tay, why did you bring us up when grandma scolded you earlier? Now my mom starts to nag me about it too.”

Tul complaining to Tay.

Lee: “Yeah! But at least I still have Tul after Tay, so I think I got more time than you Tul.”

“You know when Grandma said A, it has to be A right? I think you should go to the blind dates obediently.”

Tul said and then chug another whiskey from his glass while Lee said…

“Do you have someone in your mind already?”

Tay kept silent and pouring a whiskey to his glass.

“Brother look, I finally get an email address from the cashier who work at “N” clothing line store!”

Win excitedly showed his phone to Tay and Tay took it to look closely.

“What?! Don’t tell me you still searching for that “N” brand owner?!”

Lee raising his eye brows.

Tay: “I’m searching for “N” brand owner because I love his/ her work, well everyone in Thailand does. And can you imagine if “N” clothing line is in one of our mall? Crowd and money, boom!”

Tul: “Is that why you’re not dating anyone for this past years?”

“Single is good! Besides I haven’t found that someone yet”

Tay explained himself to 3 of his best friend slash cousins.

Win: "No, no brother! You already found that someone! Oh well not literary, I mean your heart already found that someone but you haven’t found that someone in person, yet!”

Tay, Tul and Lee were frown their eye brows after listening to Win. Like what are you trying to said???

“Don’t give me that look brother! You remain single because you still haven’t found that “N” brand owner yet! Admit it, you are in love with that “N” brand owner, that’s why you’ve been collecting all his collection and wear it every day. Even right now!”

Tay look at his shirt, Win is right I like to wear “N” brand collections. Because they are the most well-known local clothing brand in Thailand and they used good material.

From what I know, they start their business in a small store in Phuket, in short period of time they manage to open 5 branch store in 5 big cities in Thailand.

I admire him/ her, but love??? I don’t know…

“You start fall in love with him after you saw the interview clip! You re- watching the clip times to times! And that eyes picture on your phone screen, I know it was his eyes from that clip.”

Lee snatched Tay’s phone to looked at the evidence after Win spill the beans.

“Whoooaaa…It’s true!”


Lee and Tul are amaze, and they believe what Win said is true because Tay silence confirm it.

“But wait, how can you be sure the “N” brand owner is a he?”

Tul asked Win because he keep using “him” to describe the “N” brand owner.

“My radar told me is a “he”.” Win said.

Tul and Lee looking at the eyes picture on the screen again.

Tul: “It looks like a beautiful girl eyes to me. Oh look, she has a mole on the left side. Wait…It’s on the right or left?”

Lee: “Her eyes are beautiful and charming. No wonder Tay fall for her. Maybe it’s the short hair that makes her look like a him to Win. But, we don’t know for sure unless we find her, or him.”

Tay snatched back his phone and looked at the beautiful charming pair of eyes in the picture.

Sweetest LOVE 4 UWhere stories live. Discover now