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Harry's P.O.V:

I shrugged knowing she's not. She obviously wants to talk about it but not here, not when everyone is around. She acts like nobody can feel or see when she is upset, mad, or just plain happy. But I do, I notice certain things that do tick her off and things that bring her back to life. Of course the only way I could see which do are because I have tested the waters and have said them to her. Some things I mean and others I don't.

Lacey Williams is just a lost soul who hasn't found herself yet. She intriges me, really. She's w and hot tempered. Not to mention sexy as hell. The way she is so experienced and unexperienced at the same time is such a turn on. She doesn't like to show off anything but there is no need to for her. In the bedroom or not, when you first meet her she is shy but once you get to know her she is outgoing. I don't know a whole lot but what I do know is she is just a carefree just wanting to make it in life and be happy.

I watched her walk out of the house sighing. Whatever they said to upset her she shouldn't take it so hard. That's another thing with her, she doesn't take critism well. She let's it sink in and eat her alive.

I looked over at her sisters and friends laughing. I glared at iritation at the fact that they do not even notice her hurt at all. I began to walk up to them and crouched down. "Where did Lace go?" I asked playing it off like I was confused.

"Um, I don't actually know." Maddie said looking up at me with confusion written all over her face. "Maybe you guys should stop talking shit and look for her." I barked. All humor was vanished from their faces and they got up from the floor looking petrified. Serves them fucking right.

I got up turning around seeing Niall and Zayn shaking their heads. "What?" I asked annoyed. "Dude you're so pussy whipped." Niall said. "Am not." I spat back. "Then what the hell was that shit?" Zayn asked.

"Your little girlfriends weren't doing shit." "There's literally nothing for them to do." Niall defended. "Whatever, they just needed to get out of the way." I snapped. Both guys shook their heads walking away from me. It was a lame excuse but I don't give a shit.

I walked back into Lacey's room and saw Liam all on his own trying to lift the box spring on his own. I walked over and lifted the other side smiking at him. "You look like you needed a little help." I said setting my side of the box spring down on the bed set. "Fuck off mate, I had it." Liam said picking up one side of the mattress. "Uh huh sure." "I did really." "Lad your ego is bigger than your muscles." I said laughing. I could tell Liam was getting pissed as fuck with me by the way he "gently" set the matress down. "If you weren't like a brother to me I would beat the shit out of you." I rolled my eyes walking away.

I walked outside looking around for Lacey. I heard voices by the pool and looked atraight away smiling a little at the view. Lacey was surrounded by her friends and sisters laughing a whole lot. I've never seen her look so carefree and happy. Hopefully one of these days I could- no. Don't even finish that. She's only a friend, a friend with benifts and nothing more. She couldn't being with me. I couldn't handle being in one with her. We are both different, very different. It wouldn't work. I am unable to love, not after- I shook my head clearing my thoughts. Whatever, the only thing that matters is that Lacey is happy with her friends.

"We should all go swimming and relax." Louis said walking out of the apartment walking over to the pool. I watched as he made his way towards Tammy. He wrapped his hands around her waist. I don't get it. How are they only fucking but show so much public affection. I tured around to see all the guys emerging out of the apartment and jogginng towards the pool. All four of them walked towards the girls while Lacey got up and walked away to put her feet in the pool. I know she wants that, but not with me.

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