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"Harry you're drunk, you wouldn't want me over." "But-" "Give me minute, stay right here. I'm going to get my keys." I walked back inside with my family giving me curious stares. "I'm taking him home, I'll be back." I said walking into my room grabbing my keys and slipping on slippers.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Alyshia asked. "No." I said walking out. I walked back out to see Harry slumped on the floor. "Let's get you up." I said grabbing his arms. Harry complied lazily and was on his feet in no time.

Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder and followed me to my car. I unlocked the passenger door and helped him into the car. I helped him with his seatbelt while he watched my every move. I went to the other side of the car and got in. I started the car and drove out of my neighborhood. I could feel his eyes on me and looked over at him. "What?" I asked. He shook his head and didn't say anything for awhile.

"I don't know why I am such a dick to you." He mumbled. I didn't answer because I didn't know how to.

"You know I never meant to hurt your feelings." He said looking at me. I glanced over at him and nodded my head. "But you did." I said quietly.

About fifteen minutes later I parked my car in the apartment complex parking lot. "Think you can walk on your own?" "You're not coming in with me?" "Harry, you know I can't." I said pleading. "I want you to come in with me though." I sighed and gave in.

We both got out of the car and walked to his apartment door. "Home sweet home." Harry groggily said. I shut the door before he could slam it. Harry turned around and looked at me up and down. I only stared at him not sure what to do from here.

"Want a drink?" "No I'm good." I set down my purse and keys and sat on the couch. Harry followed my lead and plopped down on the couch too. He looked over at me and smiled. "This is nice."

I didn't think this was nice. I kind of thought it was awkward, maybe if I was drunk it would be nice to me.

Harry scooted closer to me and began playing with my hair. I had to calm myself down because he does not like me. He thinks very lowly of me and is isn't interested in me. He is drunk and doesn't know what he is doing. I have to keep repeating this to myself so I can actually believe it.

"You didn't answer me when I said you were beautiful." Harry mumbled twirling my hair around in his hand. I stayed quiet not sure if I'm supposed to answer of not. "You don't think you're beautiful?" He questioned grabbing my face for me to look at him. "I-" I was going to object but Harry spoke up.

"You're funking gorgeous." It's like he was looking into my soul saying these words.

I got up from the couch needing space away from him.

"You're not leaving, are you?" "No I just need some air." Harry stumbled off the couch walking towards the window. "Better?" He asked calmly. I nodded my head vastly sitting back down at the edge of the couch. Harry left to the kitchen. I sighed slipping out my phone out of my bra and texted my mom letting her know I will not be back home tonight. I know she's going to get suspicious but I'll explain this to her later, whatever this is.

Harry came back with a beer in his hand and grabbed the remote off the coffee table. "What do you want to watch?" "Can I actually go to bed?" Harry nodded his head. "I'll be in there after my beer." I awkwardly nodded my head forgetting the only bed he has in here is his, that we will be sharing once again.

I hope he remembers everything once he wakes up. I pray he won't get mad that I am sleeping in his bed with him and kick me out again.

Why did he even do that? I have so much more to learn about him. A lot more. Like his mood changes. One minute we are getting along being friendly the next we are battling it out with words, hurtful ones too.

I walked into his room and slipped into the bed on the side that he slept on the last time. I looked over at the digital clock and saw it was three o'clock. I still need to leave early tomorrow and look for apartments. after tonight I know I cannot be living at my moms. And the fact that I'm not going to be at the girl's place twenty four seven she will know something is up. Oh and let's not forget tonight's little incident tonight as well.

I heard the bedroom door open and saw Harry walk in. He smiled fondly at me and sat down on the bed.

"Mind if I join?" "Well it's your bed so yeah I guess you could." I said softly. Harry chuckled and slipped off his shirt and did a little dance out of his tight jeans and lifted the blankets and scooted towards me.

Harry's back was facing the door and his front towards me. We laid there staring at one another. He began to make funny faces and I giggled a little. He stopped and stared at me once more.

"What?" I asked. "That's a cute sound." He said smiling. I smiled a little at his complement. He smiled back snuggling closer towards me.

"You have a nice smile." I mumbled. Harry sat there and looked at the ceiling. "This is different, but I like it." "What's different?" "This, it's just different to me."

I wasn't exactly sure what he was talking about but I think I kind of have a clue.

"Are you talking about us laying here and talking?" "Yeah I never do this, I'm usually all about getting it in and then leaving." "Same." I said. Because honestly it is true.

Harry looked down at me and smirked. "Did you just agree with me?" "I guess I did, didn't I?" I said jokingly.

Harry laughed and shook his head.

"So let me get this straight, you have a sex a lot?" I shrugged. "It's on occasion that I do." "When's the last time you fucked." "Like a month ago, you?" Harry laughed. "Is it bad that I have to agree and say a month ago too?" I shrugged. "Do you just look at a person and go, yeah I'm going to fuck them tonight?" I shook my head. "Most of mine are just meet ups, I've talked with the person online or something." "I just look at the girl and try to read her." "Read her?" "Yeah see if she's easy or not?"

"So that redhead was easy?" I questioned. Harry laughed. "Very easy." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"What about that guy today?" He questioned. I could tell Harry was pretty sober by now. "He was some douche I was talking to for a few months that met up with me and didn't tell me he was in a relationship and had sex with me." Harry rolled his eyes. "Stay away from people like that now on. In fact, don't even meet up with anyone on the Internet."

"Harry you possibly can't think you are the boss of me." "And what if I think I do." He questioned wrapping his arm around my waist. I snorted and then laughed.

Harry smiled down at me.

"What?" I asked smiling. He just shook his head and watched me. I don't know how it was more possible but Harry once again inched father to me.
Our faces were millimeters apart from each other.

I tried to calm down at the closeness of our lips but failed. Harry chuckled and brushed our lips together.

"I want to kiss you." He whispered. "Nobody's stopping you." I spoke with desire. I don't know what's going on with me.

Harry molded our lips together. I moaned as our lips touched. One of his hands weaved their into my hair while the other was still wrapped around my waist.

I couldn't think straight as our tongues roamed each other's mouths. I broke the kiss needing to catch my breath while Harry kissed all over my lips.

I sucked in a breath as he bit the skin on my neck. I gasped at the stinging feeling and heard Harry chuckle.

"You like that don't you?" I nodded my head not sure if I have a voice anymore.

Stuff's going down in the next chapter

euphoria.  (hs)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ