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This might not be edited I can't remember tbh so enjoy.

I stood on my tippy toes trying to look past the crowd. Harry sat there bunched up in his hoodie covering his face in it trying to sleep. I held up a sign with the name; Anne written on it in bold letters. It was four in the morning and I was shocked I was so hyper. Harry sat down in the chairs grumpy as ever while I just practically jumped off the walls.

I looked closey rasing the brim of my glasses closer onto my face scanning faces. I begged Harry to log into his facebook just so I can see a photo of his Mom. On the way here he told me a lot about her. She hates swearing but participates in it as well. She loves making crafts and planting as well along with having girl days going to the spa and getting her hair done.

Harry also claimed tha she babies him a lot which I called bull shit on because he probably is secretly just a big "mommas boy."

I squealed seeing someone who looked similar to Anne walking up. She slid her glasses on reading my sign and her eyes widened in shock. She skipped over towards us while I tapped Harry to wake up. He groaned while she bombarded him with affection and jumped in his lap.

"My little baby boo!" She cooed pinching his cheeks. He growled while she pulled his hood down. He had dark circles around his eyes and growled at her. She flicked his head geting up from his lap. She looked over at me and brightened up.

I stuck my hand out, "Hi I'm Lacey-" She swatted my hand away embracing me in a bear hung. "Anne." She murmmered. She let go just for a second eyeing me and looked over at Harry. "You've picked a good one I will say, Harry." I blushed when she brought me back into her arms.

"This is so exciting!" She squealed. "Come let's go." She said grabbing my hand. She began making her way out of the building with Harry behind us dragging her suitcase along with.

"This way Mum." Harry grumbled going in the direction where he parked his car. We both followed along while he unlocked the trunk setting her suit case down. Anne frowned, "Are you tired?" He nodded her head and she clicked her tongue. "Will you drive us?" She questioned me. I nodded my head taking the keys from his hands.

"Mum it's fine." "I am not dying because you dozed off behind the wheel." She sassily remarked and I giggled. Harry rolled his eyes climbing into the back seat while I sat in the driver seat. I started the car up with the loud music blaring through the speakers.

Anne cringed turning the volume down turning around to look at Harry. "I don't know how you think that music is good." "I could say the same for you." Harry barked back. She grinned, "I see you've still got my sass." "I don't think I'll ever get rid of it." Harry answered back. She snicked and I pulled onto the freeway.

Anne turned back to face me and smiled, "So you two are actually offical?" She questioned. "Indeed we are." I answered back. "Thank goodness, it was time to see Harry settling down and such. I mean with him graduating in just less than a week-" "Mum." Harry groaned while Anne smirked in triumph.

"Just saying." She mummbled.

Harry laid in our room while I helped Anne unpack her things in our guest bedroom she will be staying. I hung up the dress she will be wearing at the ceremony in the closet and turned around to see her sprawled out on the bed.

"So how long have you known Harry for?" She questioned. I began to think, "Six months I think." "How long have you been dating for?" "About three months." Anne nodded her head, "I wish I could have brought my husband down. He would have loved it out here." "Harry's dad?" I asked sitting down on the bed.

"Step." She answered. I nodded her head slowly. "Hell I don't even know if Harry even talks with his father." Oh. She shook her head, "Sorry," She said shushing herself. "No it's okay." I asnwered. She sighed, "I don't even know if he knows he graduating." I kept quiet.

"I'm sure Harry would be happy if he came to attend but just like when he graduated school a couple years back he didn't attend." I kept letting her rant on. She looked over at me, "Are your parents divorced?" "No they don't see each other so much so they don't argue a lot."

"Harry's dad and I divorced when he was seven. He was a mess always emotional and one day he finally snapped at the age thirteen and wanted to live with his dad." I nodded my head understadning. "Little did I know I shouldn't have done that. Almost every weekend he would come back to mine asking for something. From a piercing to new clothes to just whatever he wanted." I always thought I could win him over with buying him the things he wanted so I bought it all for him."

"At the age fifteen when his father couldn't handle him anymore he moved back in with me with a bad repuatation and an awful attitude. I mean before he had a temper but when he lived with his father everything changed. He began bringing drugs and alcohol in my home. Yelled at me a few times. He was a troubled kid but I never understood why."

"How'd he get here in America?" I asked. Anne sighed but looked up at me, "I asked his school counclers for college applications out of the country and they send me college panflits from over seas." I had him write many letters and hegot accepted to the college he is at now." I nodded my head, "Don't get me wrong he was a bad little boy but he did pass all of his classes."

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