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I woke up the next morning by my phone ringing. "What?" I groaned. "Well morning to you too beautiful."

My eyes opened and I got up from the bed. I looked over and saw Savannah still fast asleep. "Uh hi." I awkwardly said. "Listen Liam is going to let me borrow his truck." He stated. "Oh uh okay. Thanks for the help." I said looking around my room.

After talking with my sister and her falling alseep I began getting to work again in my room. I looked at the time to see it was nine o'clock. All my clothes were out of my room in my car and all I needed to do was find some boxes for my books and what not and take my bed apart and I'll be ready to leave out of this houe. I'll also need my stuff from Emerald too.

"When do we need his truck?" He asked. "Today." I said remembering my parent's are going to church today. At ten they will be leaving and coming home around two. "Alright I'll talk to Liam." And with that he hung up. I set my phone down clearing the things off my my dressers.

I walked out of my room and was greeted by my mom. "Morning." I said hugging her. "Morning honey, when did you get here?" "Late last night." I said stealing a piece of bacon. My mom stared at me and slowly nodded her head. "Do we have any spare boxes by any chance." I asked. "Yeah in the attic. Why?" I walked away feeling bad about not answering her but I'll inform them once I am moved out and settled so they can't do anything about it.

I walked up the steps to the attic and grabbed out three boxes. I turned around seeing my mom eyeing me suspiciously. "What's going on Lacey?" My mom pleaded. I sighed knowing she isn't going to give up. I got out of the attiac and looked her in the eys.

"Don't get mad when I tell you this." "Just tell me Lacey Annabelle." "Mom, promise." She sighed but said, "I promise." "I'm adult now, you know that right." She slowly nodded her head. I paused not sure how I am going to say this. "I'm moving out." There I sad it. My mother stared at me for a second with out any emotion. "You're out for good?" She asked slowly. I nodded my head. She looked away for a second and looked back at me. "You're not moving out to live with that boy are you?" "No, no why would you think that?" I asked.

"As much as I don't like to say it, you two obviously like each other." "What? No." I said trying to shut down her thoughts. I mean I like him, but she doesn't need to know that. "I'm guessing you already found a place?" I nodded my head. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" She asked sadly. "It just happened so fast and sudden." She nodded her head with sadness in her eyes. "You'll still come and visit me, right?" "Of course." I said smiling. "Well come here and give your mom a hug." I smiled and walked into her arms.

My mom handled it pretty well. I was expecting her to yell in my face and what not. Now if my father were here, she probably would have. I opened my bedroom door and saw my sister wide awake.

"There you are." She said relief flooding through her. "Hey." I said setting dwon the boxes. "So today is the big day?" "I guess it is. Wanna help me?" I asked smiling. "Course." She said getting up from the bed. She began to put the things that I took off my dresser into the boxes while I got on top of my bed and began taking down all my photos off my wall. I cringed looking at a few photos I had on the wall. I thought I looked really cute doing all those stupid poses when actually looked like a mess.

My mom opened the door minutes later looking at the two of us. "We're heading out in a few, is it okay if your sisters stay home with you?" "Yeah that's fine." I said looking at her. My mom smiled at the two of us. "Glad you guys are getting along." She walked out of my room calling my sister in to help us.

"She acts like we hate each other." Savannah mumbled. "Probably because a couple of years ago we did." Savannah rolled her eyes and smiled. "I didn't hate you." "Yeah but I definietly didn't like you." "And why exactly was that for?" "The same reason you don't get along with Alyshia." I said. She nodded her head slwoly. "But don't worry, once she matures you two will be civil once again."

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