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My friend and I had a little fun making this. It was our first time making a "punk" edit so please do not make fun. cx enjoy.xx

After a long time spent crying I realized I needed to get my shit together and get back home. I pulled into traffic knowing where I wanted to go spend my night.

My parents house.

Forty five minutes later I made it to my house. Six months felt forever. The grass was green this time, and all the kids we're still outside playing instead of inside cuddled with a blanket wrapped around their bodies.

I parked my car and got out bringing along my bag and uniform with me inisde. I slid my phone out of my pajama pockets and texted a quick text letting Jade know I wasn't going to back her place tonight.

I wasn't sure if I should just walk on in or knock.I chose knocking instead.

After a minute or two, my younger sister pulled open the front door. "Your home!" Savannah said launching herself around me. "Yeah." I said smiling sadly. Savannah was the second closest to my age out of all my siblings so I know I could trust her.

"What's wrong?" She asked holding me tight. "I'll tell you later." I mumbled stepping inside. I went straight toward my room and set my bag and clothes down. I turned around to see my mom waiting by the door. I smiled and walked over toward her.

"Well look who decided to come and visit." She said hugging me. I laughed and hugged her back. "You okay? Why do you look like you were crying?" I looked down at my feet shuffling under my mom's gaze as she worriedly stared.

"It's nothing Mom. Just Jade and I had a little arguemnt. I'm fine now." She sighed but nodded. I know she could tell I am lying.

"Well have you eaten anything yet?" I shook my head. "Well I'll come and get you, dinner is almost ready." She said walking away. I nodded my head and plopped down on my bed. I groaned into my hands irritated with myself. How could I let him get to me?

I heard a knock at my door, "It's open." I yelled not planning on getting up. "Can you tell me now?" Savannah asked. My other sister came in as well. "No later." I muttered annoyed. "Is it about a boy?" Aleisha questioned. "It's none of your business." I snapped. She rolled her eyes and left.

In my family I am the middle child, along with two older brothers and two younger sisters times like this get annoying. My oldest brother Nathan who is twenty three is living the full on college life in another state. He only comes down and visits my family when it comes to the holidays. My second oldest brother Daniel who is twenty one who is in community college still mopes around here and has jobs here and there. Next is obviously me the age of nineteen and is in the Navy. I've already explained it so yeah you get my situation. Next is Savannah who is seventeen who I hadn't really gotten close with until she was at the age of sixteen. And lastly is Aleisha who is fourteen and thinks she runs the house.

My family life at home is pretty decent if you ask me, but with my brothers gone most of the time and sisters wanting to hang out with their friends all the time I am always relied to stay home. To either watch over my sisters, which is dumb because at their age I was left alone or in charge of them. Or it is the fact that I have been gone for so long so I need to stay back and catch up with the family.

I looked around my room and noticed everything looked the same as it was before.

I felt my phone ringing in my pocket and saw it was Jade who was calling.

"Everything alright?" Jade questioned. "Yeah everything is fine. Why?" I questioned. "Well you aren't coming back home tonight and I was curious on why not." I sighed flipping my hair to the side as I walked around my room.

"I just felt like I needed to come and visit my parents. It's been months since I've came home and I should have stayed the first night." I said leaning against my bedframe.

"You sure everything is alright." I huffed through the phone in annoyance. I'm not ready to talk about it yet so I lied again. Of course I feel bad about lying to Jade but I rather tell her in person.

"Yeah" I lied. "Okay well call me later okay?" Jade said. I could tell that she knows I'm lying. But I'll figure it out later. I hung up the phone angry at myself for letting Harry get under my skin.

He doesn't know me, he doesn't know me at all. I stopped and groaned. But he does, he knows more than he should.

"Dinners done!" I heard my mom yell. I got up off my bed and left out to the kitchen. I made my plate and sat down with my two sisters and ate slowly. Everyone around the dinner table kept eyeing me. Even my dad who always has a new story to tell at the dinner table was quiet this time and watching me intenty.

"Thanks for dinner Mom." I muttered trying ease the awkwardness. "Oh honey you're welocme." I smiled and dug into the food again. "It must have been a long time since you actually had a home cooked meal. I nodded my head in response. "And an appitizing one to say the least." I said earning a smile from mom who chewed on her food.

"Well you feel any older now kid?" My dad asked.

I wasn't home to celebrate my nineteenth birthday.

"Hell of a lot more mature than you would think." I said smiling. "Alright Miss Mature but rememeber you are at the dinner table so keep the swearing at a zero tolerance." My mom said piping up. "Yes ma'am." I mumbled. "See you kids can learn from your sister while she stays here. With the manners and all." My dad spoke up. I rolled my eyes. "You've defineatly grown up, kid." My dad said smiling at me. I nodded my head awkwardly smiling.

My parents think since I joined the Navy I became some new person. All adult like and what not. But not really, the only thing that has changed with me is how I handle money now. I don't feel the need to spend it twenty four seven and can actually save it and spend it wisely. But other than that I am still the same person I was when I graduated highschool. My parents act like I can change the world now, or my sisters and how they see things.

We all finished up our meals and cleared the dining table of any mess and I went back in my room. A minute later both my sisters came in and sat on my bed.

"Hey." Is all I said. "Why did it look like you were crying earlier?" Savannah questioned. I shrugged. "Some guy said some harsh things to me." She tilted her head to the side in shock then spoke up.

"What did he say?" Aleisha asked. I shook my head. "I shouldn't have even came here." I said trying to get off topic. "Don't change the subject. Now what did he say?" Savannah pestered. "Lock the door I don't want Mom or Dad to come barging in." One of my sisters got up and locked the door. "Now what did he say?" Savanah pestered on. "He was just so mean. He described how pathtic I am but he was so right about everything." I began. Both girl's nodded thier heads for me to continue.

"He said how I am such an open book. That he could just look into my eyes and see how I am feeling. It just hurt. He is just so mean. I didn't do anything to him but the only two times I have seen him he has tried so hard to put me down." I told. "It.. It just hurt a lot, because what he said was true, everything he said. How I am a loser-" Aleisha cut me off before I could continue. "You are not a loser." I laughed sadly but nodded. "Thanks, he also described how low I think of myself and how the reason why I have sex so much is because of I need to feel the void in my heart." I said finishing the story for my sisters.

"Well is that how you think of yourself?" I nodded my head sadly. "Honestly Sis you are not any of those things. Everybody makes mistakes but you have to move on. Stop thinking of yourself so lowly." Savannah. said

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