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Dying my hair rn as i type. Not edited btw

I stared at the girl confused. She laughed out loud but then stopped once she began coughing and hacking out loud. I scooted away from her just wanting to get away. As I unlocked my car she came closer to me.

"I don't mean to come off on the wrong foot but I just want to warn a poor helpless soul before Harry finds his way into your heart like he did with mine." "Who are you anyways?" I questioned.

"I'm Harry Style's ex girlfriend."


I left Harry's apartment still in confusion. Is that the one girl Harry was talking about last night? Does she live in Harry's complex? What does she mean warn me?

Sure Harry can come off as rude, very rude sometimes but I don't think he is trying to hurt me by being with me. He admitted himself, he liked me.

She's probably still hung up on Harry. I would be too if I were her, but she needs to realize Harry moved on so why can't she.

I parked my car still feeling irritated at Jade and now annoyed with that one smoker girl.

How dare she lean against my car! I do not need this, nor her threatening me. If that bitch thinks she can come into my life and try to make it hell for me boy is she wrong.

I don't mean to sound cocky or anything but if I can take Alex down without a speck of dirt on me what makes her think she can beat me down. I'm usually not a violent person but this chick is bringing the best out of me.

I unlocked my apartment door to see Jade still texting away on her phone. I glared at her while I made my way inside my kitchen. I opened the fridge to see if there was still anything to eat but just my luck no. Jade ate all the good produce I had in my fridge.

I opened my cabinet door to see that all my cereal was gone to. You have tot to be kidding me.

I walked out of the kitchen to see Jade still sitting watching my T.V. along with the trash of my food surrounding her body.

"Hey how was work?" She asked looking up from her phone. "Fine, how's your spring break?" I questioned trying to hide my anger.

"It's great, just relaxing and such. Oh you will not believe what Emerald told me-" I sat down on my couch across from Jade.

"What did she say?" "Well you know how our spring break is two weeks right?" "Yes." I answered. "Well her and Brandon are going to Hawaii. I'm so jealous, they invited me but I just had to decline." "Why can't you go?" I questioned. "Well I don't want to be the third wheel and watch them be couple like while I'm just stuck here being single." I rolled my eyes feeling slightly pissed off.

"Jade that's why you go meet hot Hawaiian boys-" "Yeah but Jared-" "Then go hang out with him!" I yelled out in frustration.

"Is everything alright Lace?" She questioned confused. "No! I go to Harry's, not even five minutes of hanging out with him I got bombarded with texts saying I need to come home because you're bored at my house. I come home to see all my food is eaten and to top that off Harry has some crazy ex stalking his place telling me that I should watch my back and stay away from him!" I vented.

Jade looked down unsure what to say, "I- look I'm sorry." She mumbled. I shook my head getting up from the couch, "It's fine honestly. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm just having a shitty day is all." Jade nodded her head understanding. "I'll buy you more food if you want?" I chuckled shaking my head. "It's fine, really. Besides you don't have a paying job anymore." "Hey I'm working on it alright." "Yeah, yeah whatever."

"You want to go out tonight?" Jade questioned. I shook my head no,"I've got work in the morning." "Oh come on Lacey that's your excuse all the time." "Has it ever occured to you that it may not be an excuse." "Whatever, look I'm going to get going." I rolled my eyes, "Fine bye." "Have fun being stuck cooped up in your home for the rest of the night." "Like you weretoday?"

Jadelaughed ou loud, "Yeah I guess, look I'll see you later." With that she shut my door and I plumped downon my couch. Why couldn't she bring her own food over here? And besides that why did she come over to mine. Hell she hasherown apartment!

I got up from the couch walking into my room just wanting to get my pajamas on. I love Jade to deah but that girl can be such a hassle sometimes. I tore off my uniform justwanting togo asleep already.I know if I sleep right now there will be no chance of me being awake when Harry comes over later.

I slipped on an old pair of men's boxers and slipped on one of my NAVY shirts they gave me when I went to boot camp. I walked back into my livingroom switching the channels. I flipped the channel onto to some reality T.V.show. It was "someone" (not exactly sure who), looking for love.

I remember back when school was out for the whole two months of summer this was all I watched as a kid. A lot of my friends parents used to be upset when I would come over and change the channel to these type of shows, after awhile they finally confronted my parents and of course I and my older brothers got in trouble for watching this when they were gone at work.

Now my parents don't even care what my sisters watch, hell they all gather around and watch Teen Mom together. I remember when that show came out almost everyone wanted to go have sex so they can get a show, but personally I said no to that. I do not need my business along with my pregnancy out of national television.

I heard a knock on my door and rose up from my couch to get the door. I opened it and smiled seeing that it was no other than Harry.

"Hey." I said opening the up more allowing him inside. "Hey Jade here?" I shook my head no while Harry visibily relaxed. "Thank God." He mummled grabbing my waist placing a kiss on my lips. I gigled nodding my head, "Tell me about it."

Harry grabbed my hand leading me to the couch. "I've got an important question," He began. "Yeah what's up?" "Did a girl stop you today?" Ipaused unsure if I should say yes. "Um why?" "You're not in trouble don't worry I just need the truth." "Um yeah, she was at your apartment complex." He sighed rubbing his palms against his face.

"Son of a bitch."

I stared at Harry confused and slightly panicked. "What's going on?" "Do you know if she followed you?" I shook my head no. "Fuck." He muttered getting up from the couch and locking my door. "Harry what's going on?" "It's nothing- look just keep an eye open, if you feel like you're being watched tell me right away." I nodded my head understanding.

"Can I at least know what's going on?" He sighed, "Basically trouble might be creeping up soon."

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