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I'm making all this up btw because I don't really know anything about the navy and deployment so yeah... so if it's not correct you can correct me if you actually know what happens.  And I got a tattoo on Friday so yeah! Btw this isn't edited I just posted it off my phone Enjoy the chapter xx

Harry Styles Point of View...

I watched as she looked back at me with her duffle bag on her shoulder and her big doughy brown eyes glistening with the sun cascading down on her face. I gave a sincere wave and blew her a kiss to which she caught and brought her palm to her heart.

I don't know what has gotten into me the past few months being with her. I've changed completely, literally. It's on a rare occasion that you will see a cigarette in my mouth along with a can of beer in my hand. And drugs? I haven't touched them in the longest time.

I know when she leaves I'll keep up with this new me. I made a promise to myself just for her and so she does not have to worry about me. And just because she is gone does not mean I am fresh meat looking for sex again.

I've never had a connection with a girl that I do with Lacey. Our relationship isn't just based off the sex but I'm not going to lie what happens in the sheets is so mind blowing I'll never want to do it with another girl.

Lacey's different. I can sit there and banter with her about what hair products are actually good and bad for your hair and then I can have a deep and emotional conversation the next minute. And then it just changes to those type of questions of what ifs and then the conversation just takes a different lead from there and on.

My mum likes her, my friends like her, and hopefully when she comes back the rest of my family will like her as well.

What's not to like about her. She's the worst person to play Call Of Duty; zombies with. All she does is scream and cry when they get close to her. She narrates movies more than the narrator and comes up with some different plot then what is actually going on in the movie.

She's such a compassionate person when it comes to listening to peoples' problems trying to help them sort it out. I just.. I just love her. Plain and simple. She pisses me the hell off when she blares the most girliest music around in the house and when she always wants to french braid my god damn hair and when she makes me sit there and talk with her friends as well on Face Time.

She lacks in wearing makeup everyday and is blind as a bat always losing her contact lenses so she has to resign to her old scratched up glasses. I just love her.

I love her and I am relieved that it slipped out of my mouth and she did not freak out and run for the hills- well boat I should say.

She's changed me, I eat pretty healthy now along with picking up after myself. My attitude has subsided and I am now learning how to control my anger. To be honest it's kind of good that I learned how to control my anger, with wanting to be a math teacher and all I kind of need to learn what patience is.

I just wish I could have spent my summer with her, but it's whatever. I'll have more summers to share with her in the future and for now I'll probably be going into a program for younger kids and watching over them while their parents are away at work.

I'm excited for what my future has come to bring me. We're all growing up as semi young adults and we're all trying new things.

After I watched Lace board the enormous ship I drove back home. On the freeway I pulled out the old Grease CD playing it smiling at our actual first date. I began singing both the guy and the girls parts and pulled up into the parking lot cutting the engine off and marched my way into my home.

I opened the door with wide eyes seeing all four of the boy's lounging around my living room and closed the door slowly.

"Oi Harry you're home!" Niall pounced up stumbling into my body. I calmed him down not wanting to deal with his hyerness this early in the morning. "What are you guys doing here?" I questioned slipping my boots off placing them by the door and sat down where Niall was sitting down at on the couch.

"Well we figured you would like some company." Louis said playing my Playstation four. "Guys I'm fine, really." Liam rolled his eyes, "You may be fine right now but in a couple hours you're going to be sitting here and pouting that your girlfriend isn't here."

"Can you blame me?" I questioned. All the boys remained quiet. I groaned getting up from the couch, "If you were in the situation I am in you'd do the same thing and don't even deny it." I spat. "We know dude, that's why we're here for you."

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