"Where is Harry at?" Anne questioned coming out of the kitchen. I sat on the sofa wondering the same thing. "I have no clue honesty." "Well he needs to get here, we're supposed to see his granddad soon." "I can call him if you'd like." "Yes, yes please do."

Anne scurried off up the stairs as I grabbed my phone out and began to dial Harry's number. After a few rings, he finally picked up the phone. "Hey, baby." He said. "Hey, where are you? Your mom is runnining around the house worried sick about you." I heard Harry groan into the phone.

"I'm fine, I'm not in trouble I'll be home in like ten minutes. Make sure you tell my mum this and tell her to get off my ass." "Okay well hurry up because we're supposed to be visiting your granddad today." "Awe shit that's today? Alright alright look I'm on my way." "Okay but I love you, and be safe!" "Always, love you more." I hung up the phone smiling down. Even though he can be a dumbass sometimes like last night, I still love him.

I got up from the couch and made my way up the stairs. "Harry will be home soon, he didn't tell me where he was but he told me to tell you not to worry." I said to Anne, she looked back and rolled her eyes. "That boy and his secrets. But come we need to hurry and get ready to leave once Harry arrives." I nodded my head swiveling around on my feet making my way back to Harry's old room.

Once I stepped inside I gazed around. This room is so not like him. From the pictures scattered around of him and his family to his old car models. I sat down on the bed skimming my hands across the sheets, even his bed sheets are opposite of his style. But what is his style exactly? You look at him and see this scumbag of a man with many tattoos scattered across his body but his mind and soul tells differently. Sure he has that aura that radiates, I'm an asshole so stay the fuck back, but when you actually talk to him he is one of the biggest goofballs. Harry Styles is something else.

"Lacey, Harry's here!" I got up from the old small twin size bed and made my way outside of the room. I turned the corner getting ready to walk down the stairs and sure enough, there he was. "Well look who decided to come home," I said making my way down the stairs. He shrugged with a coy smile and said, "I was missing you too much." I rolled my eyes touching my heart. "Well, I'm touched."

"C'mon kids we don't have that much time!" Anne yelled. "Ready to meet the rest of my family." "I'm actually excited, to be honest." "Well don't get too eager, they're all pricks." I gasped swatting his shoulder. "Don't say that about your family!" "Why it's true, where do you think I got it from." I smiled shaking my head, "I thought you were just born with it." Harry grabbed my hand walking me outside to his mom's car and we sat in the back while his mom and Gemma sat in the front.

"Now Harry makes sure you are on your best behavior, I don't want to hear you and your sister arguing or you teasing your cousins-" Mum relax, I'm not ten anymore. I'm an adult I don't need behavior expectations from you." Anne rolled her eyes shaking her head, "Just not so much swearing, it's been years since they've seen you and I don't need them to get another bad impression from you." Harry rolled his eyes slouching in his seat.

I put my hand on his thigh and gave a gentle squeeze. "You okay?" I questioned. "Yeah I'm fine, just stressed." "Why?" He shook his head, "No reason." I left it at that not wanting to pester him more. I turned away looking out the window looking around. Snow flakes falling everywhere along with rain drizzling, my kind of weather.

An: Switching POV bc doesn't give a fuck

Harry Styles Point of view...

I sat there rolling the small box in my hand inside my jacket. It's going to happen, today is going to be the day that I propose to the love of my life. I don't know where and how, though. Do I want it to be private where it's only her and I in there? Or do I want my whole family to witness this?

"What's eating you up?" I looked up to see Gemma staring at me from the passenger seat with her eyebrows raised. "Yeah what's been up with you?" "My mum questioned. "nothing, just tired." I answered trying to sound cool. "I'm onto you." Gemma said turning around. I rolled my eyes and looked down at Lace.

She was looking out the window at the falling snow intrigued.

"Maybe in a while, we can play in the snow." I whispered in her ear. She looked up smiling up at me. "We need to spend time with your family, we can just do it tomorrow." "No, I want to today." I argued.

I already have an idea of how it's going to happen.

"Alright kiddos, we"re here." My mum stated clapping her hands and setting the car into park. Lace opened the door getting out and I did the same shutting the door and walking by her. I put her underneath me and walked forward.

"You nervous?" I questioned. "Not really, kind of excited actually, I don't know I feel like they'll really like me." "Oh trust me they will." They're going to have since you'll be with me for the rest of their lives.

I opened the front door and chitter chatter was already happening in the house. It all stopped when they saw their black sheep of a nephew, cousin, grandson step inside.

"Harry is that you?" My cousin Charlie asked. I smirked letting go of Lace and letting the old shit head run into my arms. "Miss me, squirt?" "Piss off, mate." He said shoving me. Charlie was five years younger than me, he always looked up to me when we were younger and was crushed when I moved away to the US.

"Oh, Harry!" My aunt Dawn exclaimed pushing Charlie out of the way. "My god it's been years! How are you? Are you back for good?" I chuckled shaking my head, "I'm good, and no I'm only visiting." Dawn scoffed swatting my arm. "For fucks sake move back, there's no need for you to be out there all alone!"

"Actually, I'm not really alone." I stated bringing Lace by my side. She awkwardly waved at my aunt while she stared god smacked. "This is my girlfriend, Lacey." "Oh, well hello love." My aunt said wiping the sweat off her forehead. "I'm aunt Dawn, the shitheads aunt."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lacey." I smirked looking down at the interaction.

"Well don't just stand there, come in here so we can greet you all!" My aunt Jackie hollered stepping out of the kitchen. "Ah, Aunt Jack!" I chimed meeting her halfway. "Good evening kiddo, heard you were in the pin last night." She snickered. I chuckled shaking my head, "That's the last time I'll be in there I promise." I stated. My Aunt Jackie, or as I like to call her, Jack is one of my favorites. Back when she was a kid she was troubled like me, liked to play against the rules, the only difference between us is when she was my age she was in and out of jail.

"So who's the lucky lady that stole your heart?" She questioned nodding her head over towards Lacey. "How do you know that she stole my heart?" "Styles I know you better than yourself, you wouldn't bring some random chick in your grandad's home for anything."

"Well, she's my gilfriend." "You love her?" "More than you'll ever know." She nodded her head. "Tell me if I'm wrong but you plan on putting a ring on it any time soon?" I stared at her shocked, "What?" "Well I'm just saying, it looks like Charlie and Devin over there got the hots for her." "Well she's mine and that's not any of your fucking business." I stated. Aunt Jack rolled her eyes, "Chill dick, make sure the proposal is special, she deserves it."

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