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Loving other people hurts. Even for someone like me, who married my soulmate, it's hard because you're not the only person in the world. There're still family and friends. There are different kinds of love, and all of them have the potential to hurt. I'm more blessed than others in that you never hurt me, so I'm exempt on that account.

I hope I never hurt you. It's amazing to think about though, because if you ever wanted to hurt me you could do it far worse than anyone else can. But you don't, and you won't. And that's the deepest love there is.

When I love other people, they steal pieces of me away. But you could never steal away what's already yours.

Other people, they ask for too much when they ask at all. Because eventually everyone else leaves, and when they go they take with them all the little pieces of myself I offered up.

And when everyone else is gone, it's just you and me. That's the way it should be. 

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