Stealth #IronStrange

Start from the beginning


Stephen opened a portal to the Avengers tower with his sling ring, swirling the Cloak around his body to rest on his shoulders in the process. The sensible avengers rolled their eyes, a grin peaking through behind their eyes; Steve glowering; meanwhile Tony, Bruce and Peter gazed on in awe.

"Bravo, Wizard, but this is more of a stealth mission you know." Steve's teeth were practically grinding themselves into sawdust as he spoke.

Before Stephen could issue a comeback Tony spoke up, trying to prevent the argument everyone knew was coming.

"Actually, I have something for that. Stephen, come with me to the lab."

Cloak flapping dramatically behind him Stephen, left the room. This was one of the few times Levi and Stephen cooperated. They both disliked Steve equally, and both had equally pathetic amounts of humility where Steve was concerned.

Tony's lab was a mess. Papers and blueprints were scattered everywhere, along with A3 sketches and doodles of suit designs covering tables. The centre of the room, however, was completely clear.

"So... I remembered a while ago you were complaining about your hands, and how they always hurt, so I did some research with Bruce, and started developing some gloves to counteract the problem. They won't solve it permanently, but they will make your hands feel better when you wear them. Then, the gloves looked really good and I was bored, so I designed a suit that incorporated them. Then I figured you needed the Eye of Agamotto, so the nanotech is stored in the gold casing, and you can still hold an infinity stone in the middle. There are also little hooks on the shoulders for your cloak to hold on to." It was at this point Tony realised he was rambling a little. "So, in short, tah da...."

The centre piece of the floor of the lab opened up to show a black and white suit with a gold eye in the chest. It was elegant, yet simplistic. Stephen was slightly in awe of it - and all the work Tony had put into it.

"It's.... Wow."

"I'll take that as a good thing." Tony grinned. "You wanna try it out?"

"Uh... Sure. What do I do?"

"Well, you need to wear something light and comfortable underneath it. Then you join the Eye around you neck like normal. The trigger for the armour is the same as mine: double tap the housing unit."

"Ok. I'll give it a go."

Turning around, Stephen stripped out of his robe, down to his leggings and t-shirt. It was quite tight fitting and Tony was glad Stephen couldn't see his blush as he ran his eyes over Stephen's sculpted figure. Walking over to the stand, Stephen took the Eye off, the armour retracting into it, and placed it around his neck. Double tapping it, black and white unfurled over his body. It was a strange feeling... Like water washing over him, or maybe being wrapped in a blanket. It was fitted, yet comfortable, and the pain in his hands literally evaporated.

Stephen turned around to face Tony - who quickly tried to calm his blush.

"How do I look?"

"N-not bad. Really, pretty good actually," Tony just managed to get out.

"You sure..."

"That this is the meanest thing I've ever done to myself? Yes. Absolutely," Tony mumbled.


"You look great. There's a mirror round the corner if you want."


"I'll be upstairs. Come meet us in the briefing room. You can keep the suit on. As calm and competent as Steve like to pretend he is, we could all really use your help here."

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