Chapter 26

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       It's been about a month since I told the boys what happened to me in hell, I've been staying up while they slept most of the night, I'd eventually fall asleep a few hours before they woke up each time. The three of us sat in the Impala, I was wide awake while my brothers slept.

"What are you doing?" I heard Sam groan half asleep, I lifted my head up glancing at him.

"I'm looking for any possible jobs." I say quietly trying not to wake Dean who was asleep in the back seat, leaving Sam and I in the front seat. Sam lied flat on the seat, his head towards the passenger door and his legs in my lap. He slowly sat up as I continued my search.

"We just finished a job like two hours ago." Sam stated. I sighed quietly.

"I know, I guess the adrenaline's still pumping." I turned towards him. "I have a couple possible jobs picked out, Cedar Rapids, Tulsa, or Chi-town."

"I am all for working. I really am. But, Kenna, you got us chasing cases nonstop for like a month now. We need sleep." Dean pipped up scaring both Sam and I. I pierced my lips looking at him.

"What was it that you always told me? 'We can sleep when we're dead', I think it was." My voice came out as a matter-of-fact tone.

"You're exhausted, Kenna." Sam argued.

"I'm fine." I say rolling my eyes and turning back to the papers in front of me.

"No, you're not. You're running on fumes, and you can't run forever." Dean chided, I rolled my eyes again.

"And what am I running from?" I questioned turning in my seat to face both my brothers.

"From what you told us. Or are we pretending that never happened?" I swallowed thickly and decided to ignore it and turn back to the newspaper I had in my hands.

"Stratton, Nebraska-- Farm town. A man gets hacked to deal in a locked room inside a locked house. No signs of forced entry." I read off to them.

"Sounds like a ghost." Sam commented.

"Yes, it does." Dean agreed. After that they both lied back down and fell back asleep. I chewed on my lips staring ahead into the dark, I knew I couldn't run away from this forever, but I sure as hell can try.

      The next day, I sat in the backseat looking out the window as Dean drove to the home that this report was made in. He pulled up into the drive away by the house, the three of us got out of the Impala. We began our walk to the house, Dean got the door open quickly as we began walking through the home.

"Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide." Dean spoke. "This place is gonna sell like hotcakes." We walked through the home.

"Well at least it's a nice home." I say quietly as I look through the cupboards.

"Hey check this out." Dean said, gaining our attention, I turned my head as he looked at the wall, I walked closer, seeing that there was a spot in the wall that looked like it had been covered up, it was an almost perfect rectangle carved into the wall.

"It's probably a dumbwaiter." Sam said as he ran his hand over the area. "All these old houses had them."

"Know-it-all." Dean gruffly commented. Sam questioned what he had said and decided to leave it alone.

"Well, one of you has to be smart." I added.


"Asshole." I walked out of the room and into the dinning area. They both followed after me as I walked into a different part of the house.

Heaven's Door *Castiel*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ