Chapter 4

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       We made it to an abandoned barn, we had just finished spray painting every single trap and talismans we know all over the barn. We did the summoning ritual and nothing happened, we were sitting there wait and waiting for over an hour. I was pacing around waiting, playing with my silver knife. I was way back at the other end of the barn near the doors when the shutters above us started rumbling bouncing up and down. My head watched the shutters move.

"McKenna get over here!" Dean yelled as I was just about to start moving all the lights above us started shattering and spraying sparks everywhere, I moved away from them back into the corner of the barn. The doors opened blocking me from moving out of the corner, the sound of gunshots hit my ears, I could see the movement of the creature on the other side of the door, I took my aim and fired shots through the door. The gunshots stopped, so I stopped as well, I kicked the door out of my way just in time to see Dean stab a guy, all the guy did was touch his forehead and he dropped next to Bobby.

"Dean! Bobby!" I ran over to them and felt for a pulse, they're pulse was as strong as ever. I looked up at the person as he pulled the knife from his chest and dropped it on the ground. "Who are you?" I stood up quickly and kept my gun trained on him.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." He spoke, his voice was deep and gravely, his face was void of any emotion.

"Yeah, thanks for that. What the hell did you do to my brother and Bobby?"

"They are fine. I just put them to sleep. We need to talk, McKenna. Alone." He said as he glanced at Dean and Bobby. I stared up at this person as he flipped through one of the books we had on the table, I was feeling for Dena and Bobby's pulses one more time.

"They're alive." He spoke, not even glancing at me.

"Who are you?" I questioned, my voice was harsh.


"Yeah, I figured that much. I meant what are you?" My tongue was sharp, as the words hissed out of my mouth. Castiel's head lifted and looked straight at me finally.

"I'm an angel of the Lord." He sounded like it was the most obvious thing ever. I stood up to my full height as I stared at him.

"Get the hell out of here. There is no such thing."

"This is your problem, McKenna. You have no faith." We stared at each other, even in the moonlight the blue of his eyes shined like no other, there was a sudden burst of lightning with loud thunder causing me to jump slightly, with the burst of lightning that was happening, in the shadows you could see a set of wings unfolding and standing to their full height and span.

"Some angel you are. You burned out that poor woman's eyes." I hissed my face never faltered from the hard look, I held as I stared at him. He looked at the ground and then backed up to me.

"I warned her not to spy on my try form. It can be overwhelming to humans and so can my real voice... But you already knew that." He kept taking steps forward, I simply stood still.

"You mean the gas station and the motel? That was you talking?" I questioned. Castiel nodded his head. "Buddy, next time, lower the volume."

"That was my mistake. Certain people-- Special people-- can perceive my true visage.I thought you would be one of them. It almost seemed like you were one of them." Castiel said.

"And what visage are you in now, huh? What-- Holy tax accountant?" I questioned changing the subject.

"This? This is... a vessel."

"You're possessing some poor bastard?"

"He's a devout man. He actually prayed for this."

"Look, pal, I'm not buying what you're selling here. So who are you, really?" I set my jaw as we talked. His face turned into a confused one for a second before answering me.

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