Chapter 12

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        The next day, we sat with a young woman, there had been another attack last night. I watched as she drank from her cup, she stared at the table in front of her.

"And then it just-- it just tore Rick into little pieces." She said, after putting down her drink.

"Ma'am, we understand how hard this is, but can you describe the creature?" Dean asked.

"Oh." She mumbled before picking up her drink again and taking a sip out of it. "It was a werewolf."

"A werewolf?" Sam questioned. "You're sure?" She nodded her head.

"Oh, yeah. With the furry face and the black nose and the claws and the torn-up pants and shirt, like from the old movies." She said.

"Um, well..." Sam said.

"Okay, so.... Thank you for your time." Dean said, we got up and walked away. We went to the morgue to look at the body.

"This case just keeps getting weirder and weirder. First a Dracula and now a full-on movie-time wolf man? What the hell is going on in this town?" I questioned. Sam found the freezer the body was put in, he pulled out the table and unzipped the bag to see the torn off parts of Rick. "Oh god." I muttered covering my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Alright. Whatever did this wasn't a psycho wannabe." Sam said, he was using a pen to poke around a little. "Look at those bite marks. Right down to the bone... And deeper."

"Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart limb from limb. Could be a werewolf." Dean said.

"Yeah, except, look. The heart's still there in one piece. They never leave the heart behind."

"Thus I reiterate-- What the hell is going on?" I questioned again.

"Well, I was hoping you guys could tell me. I got a rush job back from the lab on those fibers we found on the body. Canine. Wold hairs." The Sheriff said walking in. My brothers and I looked at each other.

"I'm getting a headache." Dean muttered, rubbing his eyes.

       We went back to the pub to get some food, I had only stuck to fries, seeing the body made me queasy.

"I don't know man. Looks like we've stumbled on to a midnight showing of 'Dracula meets Wolf Man.'" Dean said. "Is that it?"

"I don't know. I mean, Wolf Man seems real enough. It makes Dracula seem a little less impossible, I guess." Sam said.

"Yeah, but werewolves don't grow wolf hair. That's just a myth." I add in.

"Yeah." Sam and Dean both say.

"So, what? We've got a vampire and a werewolf monster mashing this town?" Dean questioned, he quickly shut up once Jamie came back with three more beers for us.

"Looks like you guys are staying a while. I heard about Rick Deacon." Jamie said, she handed me my beer.

"Yeah, this case just got weird enough for, uh, our department." Dean said.

"Well, beers are on me. And, just so you know, I get off at midnight tonight." Jamie said, grabbing our empty mugs.

"Oh, it's not another, uh, girls' night out?" Dean questioned.

"Doesn't have to be." Jamie's voice came out hopeful.

"Okay, then. I'll see you tonight." Dean said.

"Okay, then." With that Jamie left.

"Hey, you think this Dracula could turn into a bat?" Both Sam and I stared at Dean. "That would be cool." I shook my head slightly with a small smile on my face.

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