Chapter 23

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        I stood by the sink as I rinsed my mouth and face off, getting rid of all the blood. I looked in the mirror and looked at my teeth to make sure all of them were still there. I favored my left ankle, it was swollen, more than likely sprained. I stared at my face, my nose was for sure broken, I had a cut on my eyebrow and a cut on my cheek, neither of them needed stitches. I slowly lifted up my shirt to look at my torso.

"Huh, would you look at that?" I say, as a deep gash ran the length of my side. Sam was in the middle of popping Dean's shoulder back into place, when I heard a snap of it going into place, I looked at them. Sam had lost Ruby's knife to Alastair.

"McKenna by the way. Who the hell was that demon?" Sam asked, looking at me.

"No one good. We gotta find Anna." I say changing the subject, as I dropped my shirt. I walked over to the boys, sitting down and grabbing an ace bandage to wrap up my ankle.

"Ruby's got her. I'm sure she's okay. Alright, come here." Sam said. I took a deep breath and removed my shirt completely. I laid down on the bed, my arm raised above my head as Sam got ready to do some stitches, his and Dean's backs were turned to me.

"You sure about Ruby?" Dean questioned from the bathroom. "'Cause I think it's just as likely she used us to find a radio girl and then brought that demon in to kill us."

"No, she took Anna to keep her safe." Sam said.

"Yeah. Well, why hasn't she called to tell us where she is?" I questioned as Sam walked over to me.

"Because that demon is probably watching us right now. Waiting to follow us right back to Anna again. That's why he let us go." Sam argued, the needle went through my skin.

"OW YOU ASSHAT!" I yelled at him.

"You call this letting us go?" Dean questioned chuckling.

"Yeah, I do. Look, killing us would have been no problem to that thing. That's why for now, we just gotta lay low and wait for Ruby to contact us." Sam said, as he continued to stitch me up. I groaned pushing my face into the pillow to muffle my pain.

"Yeah, how's she gonna do that?" Sam didn't answer our brother's question. "Why do you trust her so much?"

"I told you." Sam said as he stopped stitching me up to look at our brother, I turned my head to Dean.

"You gotta do better than that." I say quietly, looking at Sam. "Hey, we're not trying to pick a fight here. We just really want to understand."

"But we need to know more. I mean, we deserve to know more." Dean added.

"Because... she saved my life." Sam said quietly. He turned back to stitching me up. As he did, he had a far off look in his eye as he did. I watched him quietly, once he finished off the stitching, he stood up and walked to the end of the room. I slowly got up and walked into the bathroom, grabbing the bottle of alcohol from his hand just as he was going to take a drink, I dumped it down my side with a hiss. I took a swig of the bottle staring at my twin, before shoving it back into hands. We all took a seat, as Sam told us of why he trusts Ruby so much.

             Once he was done talking, I sat there soaking in the information.

"So... what did she teach you?" Dean questioned.

"I do have one question. Why weren't you two together? When I found both of you, you two were with each other." I questioned looking between the boys.

"We sort of split off to do our own thing for a bit. The both of us were hurting, and we didn't know what to do." Sam said quietly. I nodded my head lightly, then gestured for him to continue with his story.

Heaven's Door *Castiel*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz