The Bore

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I really wanted to write in my diary every day but, what do you do when nothing happens.

Where I live there is basically three events a year and nothing else fun. There is the Haunted Isle in October, the carnival in July, and my schools plays. I recently discovered a lot of people actually go to out football games too.

Basically, I spent this entire week focused on college and club meetings. At one of my meetings me friend, who I actually hate because he thinks he'a gayer then me and everyone likes him better than me, brought a gay friend of his. His friend kept staring at me >.< I'd probably get my ass beat if My friend noticed. He's one of those controlling, know-it-all guys.

As for Will, he was out sick a day so me and my friend invented invisa-will. We both interacted with him like he was real and we all got a laugh out it. Just yesterday when Will came back he was telling everyone how he didnt want to give anyone a hug (common greeting we use among my friends) but he still gave me one when I asked. It's tough to care so much about him. I spend countless hours fixing all his emotional stresses yet when I'm not around he constantly posts statuses on Facebook saying how no one cares about him. It makes me feel almost invisible and worthless. He's one of the few people that can make me feel worthless.

I'd rather just forget this week because the whole time I just thought about how dull life is. Every day was basically the same thing. I went online in the morning and messaged a college administrator. Then, I would go through my boring school day followed by after school clubs. Lastly, coming home to play video games and sleep. It's just so normal when I like doing extraordinary things.

At least today I'm going shopping. Yesterday I withdrew two-hundred dollars to do my Christmas shopping. Normally I get strangely amazing things as gifts from amazon. Last year I bought my dad a hammer, my mom a crystal tennis bracelet, my sister expensive silver earrings, her boyfriend a gun shaped ice tray, then for myself a bunch of books and novelty things.

There is a secret about me. I can control heat. Literally my friends use me as a hand warmer. Two days ago my friend felt my power. She had me warming her hands and I said "hold on." Almost instantly when I was imagining the heat in my body running like merging rivers into my hands she said "OMG I felt that." I asked what because I was curious if my power was actually strong enough to create enough heat to feel a noticeable difference. She told me exactly what I wanted to hear, "Your hands just got so much hotter." I hate how she said hotter instead of warmer but, whatever it's exactly what I wanted to hear.

Anyways the reason I told you that secret is because one of the novelty things I got was a love meter. I turned it into a competition one persons hand on top and the other persons at the bottom. The one who has no liquid on their side is more caring. Every person I did it with lost to me because of my secret ability. The liquid basically drained from my side as soon as I touched it. Two of my friends where trying it and I had a premonition it was going to break so I asked them to stop. It was too late though as the words came out the love meter broke on my first day of having it. I was upset of course but at least my friend gave me the money to buy a new one.... Which I spent on food since I was hungry lol. The funnier part of the story is I got almost two-hundred dollars in stuff on amazon free. There was a game promotion on my iPod in an ad where if you could beat the game you'd get between a one and 15 dollar amazon gift card. To me the game was super easy so I won. I played every time it popped up and ended up with $195. My agreement with myself was If I could get it to two-hundred dollars i'd buy myself a kindle fire and if I didn't i'd buy Christmas gifts for my family. Of course like whenever I make an agreement with myself I stick to every word, following it like my life depends on it. It's basically the reason I've never gone to a school dance before too.

I'm a pretty foolish person to give up what I wanted most at that time for my family. At least about 8 months later my sister bought me an animal costing about $100. Sadly, she holds it against me every day. If we get in a fight my sister will bring up four months ago saying. Shouldn't do this or that because she bought me a pet. She does realize if I had charged for babysitting she would owe me thousands right?

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