Food and doctors.

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    Well, I had an interesting weekend. lets see, Friday I went and put in a reservation for my Tux because prom is coming up really soon. I'm pretty excited though three times our limo got canceled and now we can't find one. I also headed to new york friday to visit my nana, the one with cancer. That night we brought her ice cream and she loved it, it had panda paws.

     Saturday was one of the best days ever since I finally got to go out tag saling with my nana and parents. Tag saling is one of my favorite things to do. I bought seven little golden books for $5, a head to head basketball vintage game from the 80's with it's box for $2 and a little leprechaun for 50 cents. I didn't get as much as I wanted because the weather was terrible but, I was really happy to get to go out tagging. 

     Later saturday night we went to friday's for dinner. The waiter kept flirting with my mom and nana. (probably trying to get bigger tips.) I had bought a drink that looked really fancy and made me feel overly gay, even though they messed up my drink it was still delicious. After that we headed to my aunt's house, my nana drove, which she hasn't done in a while so she almost crashed quite a few times. It was really fun.

     At my aunts the first thing we did was go out back to catch some chickens. Recently they started a chicken coop and they needed to put the chickens away for the night. Really, I didn't do much there but I loved every second of it, there is some kind of aura in that house that makes me feel really comfortable.

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