Sometimes Life Just Sucks but I got good news

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So, life has been quite an interesting experience, it's been a few months since I last wrote and well Things have been up and down...So let's see.... I started playing Dungeons and Dragons as well as 3 other Tabletop games but DnD is by far the most important to me. My character is a female elf and thanks to me forgetting elf size differences and not giving thorough description of the character my friends now call her Elfie Minaj. she has red hair and huge tits and ass lol which I guess her natural 18 Charisma supports the idea that bigger is better. Her name is Selphine and she woke up in the small town of Diamond lake with her memories wiped of her life before. She joins up with a group of adventurers and though my character did quite well helping them her major flaw of missing memories also had her do very stupid things to the point she was a squishy sorceress but fighting as a front line fighter lol I really have no clue how my character didn't die. in time she ends up doing a dragon pact with Tiamat whom she thought was a prismatic dragon. Upon doing this pact some of her memories return to her and she learns her father's spirit has been imprisoned in the ring she was wearing that gave her stronger magic powers.  She releases the spirit and in turn becomes a Chaotic good character. From that point she decides to turn fancy and buys a shiftweave which is basically 5 outfits you can magically change between. As a fancy lady I couldn't help but making a majority of those cloths ornate gowns. After a bit more adventuring she gains a cohort, a Viletooth Lizardfolk which is basically a giant alligator person with black dragon heritage. Our first battle together was at blackwell keep where a bunch of lizardmen were attacking the keep...I had first turn so I, forgetting my spells can go 120ft walk too close to one of the leaders and his group of henchmen but somehow fighting along side my cohort I was able to defeat them all including the leader without help from the rest of the part.....Sadly the excitement of having a barbarian to protect me didn't last long. While traveling in a marsh we met battle with 3 cockatrice which unknown to my character and myself the cockatrice's bite petrifies a character if they fail their saving throw....sadly my cohort was bit and failed and instead of the DM being nice and letting me save it, he said by the time I got the cure the cohorts statue would sink too far into the marsh for me to be able to apply the cure to him or dig him out even if I hired a bunch of workers to help with the dig. Over the next week I studied everything I could to find a solution and I found a pretty good trick I felt I could use to free the cohort from the swamp using both mathematics and the information of a spell but the DM said no so all I can do is try to remember until I get a spell that moves massive amounts of earth and focus on the quest Tiamat gave me to convince a black dragon to rejoin her. 

Now moving on from DnD lol I've been curating a vintage clothing business which is tons of fun. I spend 90% of my time shopping and sometimes make some pretty good money. I usually wait until goodwill has their sunday sale and pay $2 per a vintage piece I buy and usually get them to sell anywhere from $25 to a few hundred which blows my mind since on my own clothes I've always been a jeans and a t-shirt kind of guy which means top amount I've ever spend was maybe $20 on a pair of jeans lol But the pay just isn't enough for the debt my sister threw me into. I'm an overly compassionate person and My sister needed to pay a ticket, car repair, cellphone bill, and insurance...... She was suppose to get a lawsuit back to pay it all but it's been ages with the lawsuit still probably having a year or so before the money is released... She ran up $1700+ in debt on my credit card which before had no interest and I expected pay before the interest started but I haven't seen a penny and the interest on the card it extremely high. I've been pouring every penny into the card and even cashed in my $1,000 bond to help pay it off but the interest is so high that the card has already gone back up to almost double how much my sister used on it and there really isn't a way out at this time. I'm really amazing with money and personal finance but when I don't have a normal job so my income is extremely variable it's hard to pay off a debt that gains interest especially when it's not one you've accumulated. 

Moving on from that, I am still pretty happy with life, the only thing that bothers me is chores which it's not the fact I have to do them but the fact my sister that doesn't have chores makes the usual messes 10X worse especially during the holidays...speaking of, my sister made some gross meal using 4 pan/pots and a deep dish glass pan for the oven...had to get it all clean for christmas eve... christmas eve every dish, pot and pan were used, I had to clean them all for christmas since family was coming over again.... then so much was made from that I had to wash basically everything in the house again. I thought I'd get a break after the holidays but nope, my sister got christmas money so instead of paying me she's gone out every night and brought ingredients home to cook all different large meals, on top of that my uncle who is out of prison for the millionth time has also started cooking meals usually involving seafood which I will never ever eat nor ever want to associate with in any way. I have a pretty weak stomach when it comes to meats especially seafoods... Which is annoying since I do dishes and garbage which also has been excessive...Half the time I bring out garbage I'm puking as I walk it's really a terrible thing and unfair I have chores when I'm a minimalist and my sister has none when she does every mess over the top and leaves it for others to pick up....She really did deserve that stocking with coal and a princess bracelet several christmases ago when I bought all the gifts for her stocking lol

Hmmm... other than that I babysit my niece a bunch for no pay which it's hard to do at times since it's basically like I'm a single parent of 9 since no one around here helps with cleaning. Me and my niece have a lot of fun adventures since I'm a kid at heart but I'm also growing up and losing the energy to do every little thing she wants every second of the day and I feel bad. I stay up to almost 6 am every night just to try getting a little time to do stuff for myself like watch tv shows, movies, or even clean my room. Sometimes there just isn't enough time to get everything done if you sleep as tragic as that sounds. 

College has ended for me for now, holding a big chunk of my sisters debt as well as losing my financial aid since apparently my family makes too much money I just can't afford to go right now which sucks.... I'm hoping that my vintage jewelry starts selling more so I can rid my sisters debt and focus on growing my wealth and escaping this town. I really want to move somewhere like perhaps south Carolina...somewhere where I can live in a cabin that is riverfront and spend all my time gardening and panning for gemstones and gold but still close enough to the city so I can enjoy the best of both lives. Maybe one day I can also travel to Sri Lanka and Taiwan to go ruby hunting...... and travel the UK, Canada, Netherlands, and more. There are so many places I want to go and experience as well as adventure and discover the secrets of their ancient pasts....Maybe one day my dreams will come true especially if I don't lose sight of my dreams, they are bound to happen eventually right?

Lastly, I picked up on writing my Spin-Off story, it's been 4 years since I've written a chapter because of a maintenance that Wattpad did so when I hit publish it went to the maintenance page and all the writing was lost...It was really one of the best chapters I had ever written and probably one of my longest so when it was lost It was impossible to try rewriting that perfect chapter. I remember writing the same chapter over and over trying to get it right but failing.....and now I've discovered I've forgotten all but the outline of the chapter So I'm finally able to write a chapter blindly and without fear of it not being as perfect as the original chapter that was written. I'm excited to continue the series and have made minor tweaks to the future but would love feedback on it to help the story grow, I really hope people enjoy it.

Well until next time my dears <3

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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