Royal Flush

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Today and every day the week I've been playing poker. I seem to be really lucky at winning. We mostly played two card poker where I mainly got 3 of a kind, straights, or flushes. When we played 5 card my hands got so much better. I literally won at least 5 hands in a row I wish we were playing with real money. We played black jack. I hit on 19 after being 5 cards in and got 21 lol the whole table got pissed.

Literally the capt week is the best time in school ever. We get a whole week to hang out with friends. The week is pretty amazing, we started out pretty boring but by day two we were into our card games and lucky for me I was also getting coffee or my favorite soda brought in every day by my friends. I don't even ask and my friend came in with a small French vanilla, light and sweet coffee. My only complaint was that it wasn't a medium. Don't think I'm being greedy though, it's more about a joke since I was voted as most dramatic. I said to them " A small, really? It'a suppose to be a medium, not a large, not a small, not a GRANDE, a medium."

We laughed, and went back to our card game. You know, normally I win but there was one kid there that i'd get so close to them losing and I'd make a big bet on my good hand but there's was just slightly better. It's devastating to lose that way but at least I lose with honor.

While we were in this week of fun a bi guy that likes me started playing cards with us. He has semi long black hair that poofs out a little and brown eyes. He's not one of those hot emo kids. Just a normal kid that happens to fit the description. He's the kind of gay that has a sassy attitude that will cause him to get beat up a lot in his life and probably die before he's thirty.

One day when we were playing He looked at me after I said something, the way he was sitting revealed his interest in me. He told me that that things I say are so random but so perfect for the moment I say them. I bet I blushed because my face felt like it was getting warm. I don't want him to think i'm attracted to him though because his attitude isn'r something i'd want in a relationship and to be honest I like guys a little thinner and taller >.< that's probably because i'm basically a giant though.

Today when he was hanging with us I saw this guy that i've run into in the hall ways a lot recently. He's probably a new student. He's like that one hot English teachers all the girls fall for. He's tall, slim, and his dark black hair is short. I don't normally like short hair on a guy but on him it reminds me of a greaser who is trying to be a socs. If you don't know what a greaser or socs is, you should probably read "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.... The authors name may be spelt different, Even though it is a great story I haven't read it since middle school.

This kid also reminds me of a writer that walks all over the country looking for a good story. I bet all you girls and maybe some of you guys would squee if you saw him, he's super adorable.

Anyways let's get back to the story I was telling about him. He walked into the room where we all were and I announced to the table that he is so cute. I didn't point or even look at him but they all new exactly who I was talking about. The bi guy from my table apparently knew hi by name and I wish I remember what he said. He left our table of cards and walked right up to the cute kid. I couldn't even look over to see what they where doing. I knew my face was red and I was just hoping they weren't talking about me. A few periods later I walked by the cute kid again. Whenever that happens it feels like a wisp off magic passes through my body. I wonder who he is, he'a a total mystery and there is definitely something special about him.

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