29 - Time To Go

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Y/n's POV

"How are you feeling?" Colby asked me as he watched me take out a pair of clothes to put on.

"Head, throbbing. Hand, dead. Arm, burns but no longer bleeding." I answered monotonly. The thought of Lucas touching my clothes made me feel disgusted. "I'll be fine, I'll take some pills, rewrap it and put something on it, and put bandaids on my arm."

"I thought you didn't want to look at the stitches." Colby said. He probably sensed that something was wrong, that's probably why he hasn't wrapped his arms around my waist like he usually would. I stopped taking my clothes out and turned to him.

"Can I have a hug?" I asked as I held my arms out to him.

"Of course baby." He said as he pulled me into his arms.

"I can do it, I don't really care at this point. I was gonna have to do it on my own at some point anyways." I said, slightly muffled by his chest.

"Okay baby, are you getting dressed first or me?" He asked as he started to play with my hair.

"Can I? I might be a bit long since I have to wrap my hand and the rest of that stuff." I said.

"Yeah, of course you can. I don't care how long you take. I can mess with the guys while I wait anyways." He said laughing. I pulled away and grabbed my stuff to walk to the bathroom.

"Have fun waking them up." I said as I closed the bathroom door. I stripped down to my underwear and bra and examined the marks on my arms. You could see the exact places where my fingers dug into my arm. I shook my head at myself and grabbed bandaids. These are gonna hurt to take off later on. After that, I examined my wrapped hand. I cringed at the thought of having to look at it but I also really don't care anymore. When I unwrapped my hand it was really red around the stitches and was slightly swollen. I hurried up and wrapped it well so I didn't have to look at it anymore. I forgot to grab a water so I'll take the pills when I come out.

"AH LEAVE ME ALONE!" I heard Colby yell followed by Eltons laughter. I laughed a little with them and looked at the mirror in the bathroom. My eyes were still puffy and red. Dried tear stains were also evident on my cheeks. I splashed some water on my face to get rid of them. The cold water definitely helped wake me up a little.

"Y/n! Hurry up!" Elton told me.

"Okay okay sorry." I said as I put my shirt and shorts on. The second I walked out the bathroom, Elton pushed passed me and started checking everywhere in the bathroom. I gave him a confused look and then looked at the others. Colby was sitting down, pulling at his hair in annoyance. Corey was looking through his suitcase for clothing. Sam was on my phone, probably reading Lucas's texts cause he looked annoyed. "Elton?"

"Hmm?" He hummed, not taking his attention off of the bathroom.

"What are you looking for?" I asked him as I sat my clothes down.

"Something." He said blandly.

"What is that something?" I asked.

"It's something." He said as he looked in a different corner of the mirror.

"Elton." I said annoyed.

"That fucking pervert." He said as he pulled something out from behind the mirror. It looked like a little camera. Fucking Lucas put it there. I groaned and put my shoes on. I grabbed the little camera from Elton and opened the RV door.

"What are you doing?" Colby asked as him and the guys followed me out.

"Smashing it." I said as I put the camera on the ground and stomped on it as hard as I could. I did it multiple times, it was a way to let anger out I guess. It got to the point where I almost started crying. I stopped and looked off into the distance. "How much longer are we staying here? In New Zealand?"

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