11 - Wait REALLY

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Y/n's POV

    "So um at the mall, you said that we aren't dating YET. I wanted to know what you ment by that. Like are you planning on asking me out or did you just say that in the heat of the moment?" I asked looking away from Colby but not pulling my hand away. Colby then grabbed my other hand and squeezed both of them, making me look at him. He was looking at me in the eyes. He then stood up and looked down on me a bit. God I love and hate being shorter than him.

    "I did say that in the heat of the moment but I was planning on asking you out some time soon. This just helps me ask you out sooner" He said letting go of my hand and putting his hand on my cheek. I looked up at him again as my face started to heat up and grow red. "Y/n, would you go on a date with me let's say tomorrow?" I was surprised to hear him say that, I thought he would reject me.

      "Wait, REALLY?!" I asked excitedly with a big smile on my face. He let go of my cheek and just laughed at my childness.

      "Yes really, I've had a crush on you since you arrived here. I was just trying to push it out of my mind since we kinda just met and you're Elton's little sister." Colby said putting his hand behind his neck. I laughed at his awkwardness.

     "Then, yes I will." I said standing on my tipy toes to give Colby and small kiss on the cheek. I wanted to see how he would react to it. His face went red and the smile on his face grew bigger as he was in shock. "Wanna go join the roommates in the living room now?" I asked walking towards my door and lookin back at Colby. He nodded his head and started following behind me.

     "Of course." He said with a bright smile. The roommates smiled at us as we went down to join them. They were playing Mario Kart and Corey was winning.

      "How are you feeling?" Elton asked looking at me. I gave him a reassuring smile as I answered him.

     "I'm feeling a lot better. I used Colby as my pillow to cry into." I laughed motioning to the two wet spots on Colby's shirt. He just laughed and rolled his eyes.

      "Since I let you use me as a pillow, you have to let me use you as a pillow." He said with a smirk.

     "Okay, I'm fine with that. I make a great pillow." I said with a proud smile. We all sat there for the next 3 hours or so just talking and taking turns playing the game.

      "Has anyone ate yet?" I asked as I slowly stood up off the couch, ready to head to the kitchen. They all shook their head no. "Okay good because I'm making spaghetti and meatballs." I say as I head for the kitchen. Elton started getting really excited because he knows that I'm amazing at cooking.

      "Oh my god yes Im so ready to have Y/n's famous spaghetti and meatballs!" Corey said getting as excited as Elton. I just laughed at them. I started getting out every thing I needed, thankfully I didn't have to go to the store to get anything. I started cooking, I would finish in about 45 minutes.

Colby's POV

      She can cook? I never knew that about her. Well I mean practically anyone could make spaghetti but still. If Corey and Elton are getting this excited over her cooking, it's probably really good. I can see her in the kitchen from here and I still can't get over how good she looks in her outfit today. It's so simple yet it makes her look so fucking hot. Im so happy she agreed to go on that date with me. It makes me wonder why I stalled so much with asking her. She's just so caring, funny, a good cook, an amazing friend, she can make anyone smile, she keeps everyone's spirits up with her adorable laugh, and so much more. God I love her. I'm so happy we met. I thought I would have been single forever but now, it might change.

Elton's POV

     Colby has been staring at Y/n in the kitchen for over a few minutes now. It's pretty obvious he has a crush on her, all of the roommates know that. I'm not gonna be mad when they date, they just better be ready for me to tease the hell outta them all the time. It's time to bring back Y/n's nickname that she hates. I made it up myself and her she definitely loves it when I call her that.

    "Hey Skittles, are you done yet?" I asked waiting for Y/n to respond. Everyone looked at me confused.

    "Elton I swear to god! We are not bringing that back!" She yelled from the kitchen. Colby laughed at how annoyed she sounded.

    "Just answer my question Skittles." I said, I received a groan from her in response.

    "Yes the food it done." She said with a groan and we all got up to go eat. Corey and I were the first ones to grab a plate. Knowing how good it would be, we put a lot on our plates.

     "Woah, why are you guys getting so much?" Aaron asked while laughing.

     "You'll understand why after you take a bite." Corey said stuffing his mouth. We all sat down at the table and started eating. We were chatting about random things that would end up coming up in the conversation. After the spaghetti and meatballs were gone we put our plates in the sink. Skittles and Cobly were still talking in the kitchen after everyone left.

Y/n's POV

      "So how did Elton come up with that nickname for you?" Colby asked while cleaning off his plate unlike the other roommates.

      "It was something dumb I did with skittles when we were younger. Let's just say, it ended with me looking like a rainbow." I said. Colby laughed and put his now clean dish in a cabinet. "Hey, wanna help me clean the rest of the dishes?" I asked while starting to clean one off. I was just trying to make up an excuse so that we could spend more time together.

       "Sure, we can harass them about it in the morning since they always say that we never do the dishes." Colby said grabbing one and started cleaning it. After we finished putting the dishes away we headed up to our rooms to go to bed. When I reached my door, I realized that Colby had followed behind me. I smiled as I turned and looked at him.

    "So the date tomorrow, what are we gonna be doing?" I asked looking Colby in his sky blue eyes. I never wanted to look away.

     "That's a surprise that you will find out when we get there," Colby said with a smirk, " we are leaving at 6pm."

     "I wanted to know so I know what to wear thouuggh." I whined hoping it would get him to tell me.

     "I'll pick out your clothes then." Colby said with a proud smile.

      "Okay I guess that's fine, nothing that is revealing though." I said as he started walking away.

    "No promises." He said as he closed the door to his room. It made me laugh as I shook my head at him. I closed my door and changed into some pajamas. It was really just a big shirt with some shorts but they are the go to pajamas. As I flopped onto my pillow, drifting off to sleep, I couldn't get those beautiful blue eyes out of my head.

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   (I got the nickname from a different story)
Anyways I also feel iffy about this chapter but it's fine. I hope you guys liked this remade chapter and I hope to see y'all in the next one. Byyyyeee
1358 words
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