52 - Oldies

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     After about 15 minutes we heard knocking at the door and then a worried looking Sean peaked his head through the door, followed with a concerned Mark. Their faces eased up a little when they saw I was conscious and looked like I was doing well. They both slowly walked in, soft smiles on their face as they tried to figure out what was wrong.

     "I have a story for y'all. Pull up a chair." I told them with a smile on my face. Colby squeezed my hand and gave me a look. "Okay well he has to tell my story for me."

    "May I ask why? Out of curiosity. And does the story involve why you are here?" Mark asked as him and Sean sat down.

      "Yeah it will. It explains a lot." I answered.

     "Before you start, I'm so fucking glad you're okay." Sean sat as he leaned close and pulled me in for a hug. He pulled away and Mark pulled me in for a hug afterwards.

     "You scared the fuck out of me. I was practically speeding the entire time here and then when I saw Sean in the lobby too I don't know why but it made me worry even more." Mark explained as he rubbed my back and then pulled away.

     "Sorry, I didn't mean to worry y'all too much." I said as I held both of their hands.

     "You guys ready?" Colby asked and they both nodded their heads. "Okay so she is here right now because of Lucas. You can obviously see her bruises and shit but she also has a concussion which is why I'm not letting her tell this story because she's not supposed to be like thinking or what ever. Ya know just all that stuff that you shouldn't do with a concussion. Anyways this while thing started when we went on our trip to New Zealand. We went there and Lucas followed us there without us knowing for the longest time. I feel as though he was following us long before that but this time he just got more bold. Anyways, he was following us the entire trip. He fucked with her, broke into our RV, and spammed her phone and social media. Granted we should have called the police or something while we wee there but we didn't want to ruin our trip and we didn't think it was bad enough for the police to feel as though they should get involved. When we were at the airport he caused a scene and ended up being escorted out so we didn't think anything of him following us. Well after a few days of being home SOMEONE procrastinated unpacking her bag and finally did and when we did we found a fucking airtag in her suitcase. He most likely planted it there when he broke into our rv. She was on edge after that. The dogs were barking at someone one morning and we were but also weren't suspicious about it." He took a small pause to just breathe and collect himself as he continued he was getting more pissed off. Along with that, I could tell that the next part of the story still hurts him enough to not want to relive what had happened. I let go of Sean and Mark's hands to grab Colby's who kept a firm grip on mine. "Yesterday everyone in the house was busy except for y/n so she was going to be home alone. I made sure she was okay with it at first and since she was I left with Sam as we were the last ones to leave the house. I- uh I forgot my house keys in her bedroom so I didn't remember to lock the front door when I left. Lucas figured out the code to our gate and just walked through the front door of our house. He attacked her. Three her around, punched and kicked her, strangled her. Me and Sam didn't get there till she was already basically passed out..." As he started to explain him chasing Lucas and whatever, I started to get flashbacks of what had happened. I was completely zoned out, just starring at the edge of the hospital bed blankly. The fear and pain of yesterday came flooding back to me, making me feel extremely overwhelmed and short of breath. I thought I was handling all of this well, but rehearing it and everything else makes it feel as though I have no control over my emotions any more. I could feel myself struggling to keep my breathing steady as the events replayed over and over in my head. The more the events played the more I started to get a pounding headache. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I felt Mark shake my knees. I blinked my eyes and looked at the three of them, feeling the warm tears that had been streaming down my face hit the cold atmosphere of the room. I let go of Colby's hand, realizing that I had dug my nails into him and left indents.

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