25 - You Suck

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Y/n's POV

     "Well WE are going to play rugby with some professional players." Elton answered pointing to everyone except for me. "YOU are going to be watching cause I don't want you to get more hurt. I wasn't going to let you do it anyways. Those guys could lift you with one arm and throw you all the way back home." The guys all laughed at his comment while I gasped offendedly.

     "I bet I'm stronger than them. I'm stronger than you guys so I'm already a step ahead of you." I said with a smirk. They all gave me a look saying 'you've got to be kidding me'.

     "I can pick you up with ease and even if you struggle you can't get down." Corey commented.

     "I have picked you up and thrown you in the pool before. You were struggling yet still couldn't get out of my grip." Sam added.

     "The amount of times I have been able to pin you down and you not be able to get up is hilarious." Colby then added after.

     "I have done all of those things to you yet you still couldn't get out of my grip. I don't know what happened, you used to be able to." Elton added lastly.

     "Maybe she likes it." Sam smirked and slightly laughed. I rolled my eyes.

     "Fuck no. You guys always catch me off guard and it scares me, I blame that." I said as I crossed my arms. "Anyways, does that mean I get to sit off to the side and watch hot guys play a sport? If so, I'm all in." I knew that would irritate Colby, that's why I said it.

     "Aye, you better keep your eyes on me the entire time." Colby said while slightly glaring at me.

     "I do what I want. If my eyes roam, they roam." I said and then stuck my tongue out at him. He let out a small laugh.

     "So childish." He said as we all continued to eat. After eating Elton started driving to our destination. It wasn't far from where we were already at which I very much liked.

     "Hey N/n, come here." Elton called for me after he parked the car. I got up, after pushing Colby out of the way, and stood behind Elton seat. He then showed me his messages between him and the 3 professional rugby. It was basically Elton telling them to flirt with me to annoy Colby. I took my phone out and typed 'Colby is gonna kill all of us because of you. Usually you would get another point but this is dangerous soooo -1 point.' I then walked to the door of the RV.

     "Come on guys, let's go. Being cooped up in this RV is boring." I said as I opened the door. They all started to get up, Colby was first to reach the door and pushed me out the door. "Ruude."

     "You pushed me out of the seat, it's called payback." Colby laughed I rolled my eyes at him.

     "Ooww, oh nooo. You hurt my hand, how could you." I whined sarcastically as I held my hurt hand up and held it dearly to my chest. Sam gasped dramatically and ran to my side. He pulled me into a hug and glared at Colby.

     "How could you hurt your poor fragile girlfriend like that?" He said but then I pushed him away and he started laughing.

     "Do you want me to kiss it better?" Colby said in a baby voice as he walked closer to me.

     "Not anymore. I'mma go hang out with the hot guys." I said with a smirk as I started walking to the field where I saw the guys standing. All the guys started laughing as I heard Colby start running up behind me. I started laughing as he picked me up.

     "What did I say about looking at other guys?" He said as he put me down in front of him.

     "I don't remember but I do remember me saying that I do what I want." I smirked again. Colby shook his head with a slightly annoyed smirk.

His little sister (colby brock X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora