Chapter 17

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It's the second day of our team building, I can tell that my team and the other team are now getting closer, I'm happy about that, there will be no awkwardness between two teams in doing the business project.

We're finished with our breakfast and now we are here in our first activity for the second day. We will play archery and just like yesterday's game of horse racing we will choose a representatives for our team.
Like yesterday Kai is the one will play for Kyungsoo's team and Lisa for my team.

I know she's good at this so no need to worry, I'll just support her. Both of them are preparing with their gears on. The crowds are gathering to watch the game.

They will hit the target 6 times, they take turns, first is Kai then Lisa back to Kai then Lisa and so on. Who ever gets the highest score will get another 20 points.

The game was starting, all of us cheer for them especially me, I'm cheering for my fiancée, Lisa.

I scream her name getting her attention, she glances at me giving me a wink and like always it gives me butterflies on my tummy that only she can do.

First turn is Kai, he aim his target right through 10, the crowd cheers at him he steal a quick glance at them then to me I'm sure of it, there is a glint on his eyes that I can't tell, he glances at Lisa and give her a smirk.
Lisa wasn't bother by that she smirks back making him grit his teeth.

I press my lips trying to stop myself from letting out a laugh, I know Kai is piss off by now but I don't care all I care is my Lisa.

She looks at me then gives me another wink, she glances at Kai showing him a smirk. Her attention is focus back on her target, she aims her arrow to her target and just like that she's looking hot, I can hear the crowd screaming like a fan girls mostly girls seeing my Lisa like that.

I want to choke them, how dare them look at my Lisa with those heart eyes, only I can do that to her. I'm glad this pervert is not minding them and is only focus on her target cause if she tries to flirt back Ha! I'm gonna target her using what she's holding now.

Once Lisa releases the arrow it hit directly the bullseye as expected. The crowds cheer is louder than before and look at this pervert smiling shyly at them, I was about to shout at her when she turns to me giving me another wink and because I'm whipped at her, I smile showing my gummy.

The game goes on, it became more intense when both of them hit the 10 points four times and I must admit that annoying ex-suitor of mine is good at this game but of course my Lili is the best.

It's Kai's last turn so as Lisa, in this last hit there are some changes both of them will hit each target at the same time, no exchanging turns.

The seriousness on their faces are evident though I know Lisa is good at this, I still feel nervous they already have the same score and I think they're having a silent battle by observing them, I'm sure of it.

It feels like time slows when both of them release their arrows at the same time hitting their targets.

The crowd cheers loudly the moment the arrows hit the targets. Lisa hit the bullseye again just beside her first hit.

It's hard to tell if Kai hit the 10 because it looks the arrow hit the line between 9 and 10, one of the employee take a closer look and shout Kai hit the 9.

Lisa won the game meaning my team gained another 20 points total of 40. I watch Lisa approaches Kai, congratulating him and it made me fall for her more, you see she's the one who won the game but she still congratulates her opponent and I love her more for that, so selfless.

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