Chapter 10

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Jennie and I are now outside the venue catching our breath after avoiding all the people who was trying to stop us to take some photos or acting friendly, I don't know.

"Woh!" I exhale loudly crouching down with my hands on my knees, "Boss that was crazy!"

I look at my side only to see Jennie breathing heavily, damn she looks so hot, her sweat running down from her neck to her cleavage  which makes me feel more hot. My bangs is already sticking on my forehead because of the sweat.

Jennie sees me looking at her cleavage that makes me immediately look away as I stand still while fanning myself.

I loosen my tie to lessen the hotness I'm feeling, "Yah pervert!" Jennie yells and cover her cleavage with both hands.

"I-m not looking at your cleavage." I defend, stupid me I just dig my own grave before I could react a hard smack hit my head that I almost stumble down the floor.

"You're really a pervert." Jennie says, glaring at me.

I just smile nervously, "Your pervert Princess." after saying that, Jennie's face turns red, she huff and starts walking away

I run after her, "Boss wait!" I say finally reaching her side. "Does your feet hurt?" I ask in concern.

Jennie's wearing a frickin' heels and we just ran like minutes ago. "I think it's fine." she says, looking down at her red feet, "I don't think so." I say.

I crouch down the ground then offer my back to her "Hop on." glancing at my back Jennie is just watching me, "No way." she said and starts to walk again.

That's when I fully see her slightly limping, "Come on Jennie don't be stubborn I know your feet hurts." I say standing up.

She turns around huffing in process before walking back to my place.
Without a word she put her arms around my neck and jumps on my back I immediately hold her legs to prevent her form falling down.

I look at my side where her face is "You're heavy." I say jokingly, of course she's not I just want to see her reaction and hola she's so cute. Her face started frowning and her puffy cheeks that I want to squish.

"You want to carry me so stop complaining." she scoffs, I shake my head and chuckles.

I'm happy that I'm carrying my world on my back, yeah Jennie became my world starting from the day I met her.

I take her heels off her feet and hold it in my hands, "Why did you take it off?" she asks in confusion.

"To make your feet comfortable so stop complaining and just enjoy resting on my back." I say giving her my sweet smile just then from my peripheral vision I see Jennie smiles.

We are walking in the street for an hour now without destination in mind just enjoying the city lights, the cold wind hitting our faces and it feels relaxing.

That's when I feel Jennie shivering because of the cold air. I bring her down on her feet and without saying a word I take off my blazer then put it on her, "It's cold in here, this will help you warm up." I say patting her shoulder.

"Thank you" Jennie smiles then wear the blazer on her.

Every time I see her smile it always left me stun, it makes my heart beats fast only for her, it feels surreal to see Jennie smiling because her smile is rare and I want to treasure it. It's so good to see Jennie smiling more but of course only to me or to the people she's close with, I don't want to see her smiling at some other people call me possessive or what I just want to see her smiling for me because she's mine.

The Princess and The Bitch CEO [JENLISA] Where stories live. Discover now