Chapter 18

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Today is our wedding day and god! I'm so nervous, today Jennie will finally be my wife.

It is a joyous day to celebrate but there is a part of me that is sad about my family not being here today, they can't personally attend our wedding and that's because it's still dangerous outside, they are supportive of whatever my decision is as long as I'm happy and I just want them to be here.

To be honest that's not the only thing that's been on my mind, I'm worried about Jennie, now that she will be part of my life for a lifetime and with those enemies watching and doing what kind of ways to find me, it scares me.

What if they will hurt her, take her from me or worse kill her? I just can't. I can't live a life without her, what I want is to spend my life with her, live my life with her in it.

Despite those thoughts inside me, I love her, god! I so love her and Jennie assures me that she will love me and stay with me, my battle is her battle wherever I go, she goes. I love her with all my life and I can't wait to finally call her my wife.

The moment we got home last night from our team building Jisoo and Chaeng grabbed each one of us to sleep in different room.  It says that it's a bad premonition for the couple to see each other before their wedding. So now I'm here in Jisoo's house which is just beside Jennie's, like I said I'm nervous and excited at the same time for this day.

I'm now staying in the guest room just sitting on the bed trying to calm my shaking nerves, the ceremony will be at 5PM and it's already 3 just an hour away. I keep on getting deep breaths to relax myself and Jisoo is not here with me, she's currently with Jennie in the other house.

Even being alone can't make me calm down so I try my best to be calm, I close my eyes and I can see darkness kidding aside, it's my other way to calm myself, I pray to God that this day will go well and we'll have a happy marriage, no matter what obstacles we face, I hope we can pass them all together in God's faith.

My eyes open upon hearing the door opening, it was Jisoo and Chaeng both smiling at me. Chaeng quickly walks to my direction and gives me a tight hug.

I can feel her sobbing which makes me feel teary, my tears are about to fall and that's because of mixed emotions I feel inside but mostly because of happiness.

After some time we pull away from the hug and she holds my face with both hands.

"Yah, monkey you're getting married huhu, I can't believe it, wah I'm so happy for you my cousin, congratulations!  I hope you take care of Jennie or else we'll kick your ass." she says crying and give me a threat at the same time which is funny because of her crying face.

"I will, chipmunk thank you." I say with more tears falling from my eyes.

"You guys stop crying already, we need to get you ready Lisa." Jisoo unnie says, a quiet laugh let out from me when I see her also crying.

"Unnie you're also crying!" I tease smiling at her which she denies as she wipe her tears,
"I'm not."

"Come here." I say reaching out my hands for her to take, she looks at me still with tears on her eyes then cries harder as she walks to our direction, engulfing us with a hug. 

Now all the three of us are crying, our crying contest took moment before it's done.

We pull away from the hug and Jisoo holds both of my hands, "Congratulations to the both of you, please take care of my sister, make her happy, protect her and avoid hurting her." Jisoo seriously says like a protective elder sister.

"I promise, I will do it and I will love her even more, you two are invited in our second wedding that will be held in the palace." I proudly say. They both smile at me giving me a nod as a reply, happiness visible in our faces.

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