Chapter 4

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It's the next day but that girl named Lisa is still popping out of my mind. It's not like I memorize her name okay, that's why I know it, I just have a good memory 'Really? Is that all?' my subconscious mind asks. What the why is this part of my mind not cooperating with me? Shut up mind.

Aish, I do sound crazy talking to my own subconscious mind maybe it's because of that beautiful girl, did I just say beautiful? Erase, erase don't mind that.

After that incident where gagged apple girl named Lisa, I gave her that nickname maybe cause it represents my first impression of her so she saw my cleavage and bra, I know she definitely saw it because if she didn't she wouldn't say it, which I think she just accidentally blurted out in panic.

I walked out of the mall fuming, I can clearly feel my face blushing maybe in madness or embarrassment or the combination of both. People looked at us as if we are some actors in a movie, some of them are taking pictures and videos of us but thankfully my team are fast enough to filter out those news that may bring negativity to me and to Kim Corp.

I don't want some nosy people minding my own business just because they find that situation amusing. I want to keep my life as private as I can but if things is different from that then at least I have some control over it.

There are times when I just let people take pictures of me outside but it is only when the situation is acceptable or it depends on the situation.

Though I feel sorry just a little bit for slapping her but I was embarrassed seeing her reaction like she was amazed of what she's seeing also in that moment I felt my heart skip a beat.

It was the first time I felt it and it is the first time I am feeling this different kind of emotion now which I am not familiar with. I talked to Jisoo unnie about it because just like me she is also curious about Lisa.

However, she just teased me saying what I am feeling is love at first sight and that I am feeling butterflies in my tummy, like what the heck? I was just asking her about that and she ended up teasing the hell out of me.

Up until now we can't still find an exact thought about how she ended up being bind and an apple as her gag at the back of the truck. How did that happen? She is wearing a formal suit and she looks almost clean, almost, although small I saw the split wound on her lower lip like she was punched by someone.

Aside from that there was also a small bruise forming on her cheeks not because I slapped her but before that. She looks like she got into a fight and then ended up at the back of the truck. Maybe the one who she got exchange punches with is the one who put her there or maybe something happened.

Now I am driving my way to Kim Corp. being the CEO of one of the biggest company in Seoul is a quite hard responsibility to do but I need to do my job, there are many families relying on me and on the job I am giving them so I don't have  to slack off that will be a bad lesson to my employees if ever.

Although I am called as the cold and bitch CEO I'm not really that cold, my heart is not frozen I am just keeping this demeanor so people won't see me as a weak and a fragile girl especially in business where most men are the one leading.

Yes, I act like a bitch most of the times and acts savage but I am not totally a bad person, there are times we need to act tough so people won't see us as a prey, we need to act tough in order to survive in this cruel world.

That's what I am doing, acting though but it doesn't mean I don't have any fears, I have my fears and one of that is losing some of my loved ones.

I watch the scenery outside as my car passes through. God's creation is really magnificent even those who lacks artistic vision can tell how beautiful the world is.

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