Chapter 12

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Heading my way down to where the Kim's cousins are, a smile still plasters on my face thinking of the make out session Jennie and I just did earlier for the second time and I still love it.

I'll always love kissing her. I'm also thankful to Jennie's Grandpa for trusting me to take care of Jennie. A smile breaks out from my lips thinking of our conversation earlier.

Flashback at Grandpa Kim and Lisa

I follow Grandpa Kim outside the house into the backyard. My eyes roaming around the view, it's big enough for them to have their own golf course.

Just then I see him already playing golf and upon noticing me, he beckon me to come closer which I obliges immediately.

"Let's play golf, I know you know how to play it, I'm sure someone taught you well Princess." what he just said shocks me.

I'm stare at him with eyes wide open.
How did Grandpa Kim know me if I didn't told them who I am? I'm sure the sisters didn't told him too. He's looking at me with a fatherly smile as he give me the golf stick before returning to his play.

"H-how?" I ask in confusion, "Let's play and have some talk." He states, looking at me, I nod then head over beside him in where I'll be playing.

"Do you still remember who taught you how to play golf?" he asks, smoothly hitting the golf ball.

To be honest I can't quite remember who taught me how to play golf. I was just a small girl that time, yeah even when I'm still a kid they taught me well on how to play any kind of sports.

I shake my head when he looks at me,
"Hmm, you're just a little kid that time." he says, picking another ball, I am only watching his every actions.

"How about show me what you'd learned." he stands up straight giving me enough space to play.

I'm confuse, what does he mean by that? he chuckles upon watching my reaction then points at the golf ball. I nod just like what he did earlier I hit the ball smoothly and it went right through the hole.

"Smooth, just like what I'd taught you." now I'm left in more shock hearing him say that. I look like an idiot with my eyes and mouth wide open. Grandpa Kim just laugh at my reaction.

"Your Grandfather and I are best friends, way before he became the King up until now, our friendship remains." he says, leaving me in awe, wow my Grandpa and Grandpa Kim are best friends? I can't believe it maybe that's one of the reason Jennie and I is really meant to be.

"16 years ago, it was your birthday your grandfather invited me on your private party and that's how you met me.. and Jennie." wait Jennie and I already met 16 years ago why can't I remember?

"I know you're confused but yes Jennie's with me that time since their parents are busy while Jisoo was with their Grandma. I remember Jennie was crying because she wants to come with me, so I brought her and that's when you two met, you two are still young to remember that but I saw you two became close in a short period of time." he pause and look at me with a smile.

"And I know you two will end up together...the way you both look at each other even though you two are still young, it's pure love."

"Every time I visit you Jennie was with me and that's also the time I taught you how to play golf but I guess you forgot that. Though it's okay at least you two end up together that's much better." he finish.

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