Chapter 1

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Princess Lisa

"What are you doing here?" a sudden voice interrupt my moment of silence. I look at where the voice comes from and right there is my cousin standing beside the bench I am currently sitting.

She takes a seat just beside me before turning her full attention back to me.
"What, Chaeng?" I ask like it is nothing.

"Don't what me, tell me what are you doing here?" she really is serious, it is a rare scene to see Park Chaeyoung, my angel and happy go lucky cousin in all seriousness.

"Just getting some fresh air." I reply shrugging my shoulders. She took a sigh then look in front of us.
"Close to the forest?"

"Ahm, it's fresher in here?" I reply unsure with a teasing smile but I think she didn't find that funny.

"You do know that it is dangerous for you to roam around outside the palace right?" she asks eyes still in front. I sigh hearing that, yeah my life kinda sucks being a Princess gives me limitation on what to do although I am a secret Princess.

I am called as the unknown Princess who is helping those unfortunate people in the country. I am not yet announced publicly, only the people inside the palace know my name and even how I look.

My life is being in danger because of those people who are greedy for power and money that are planning to attack me if opportunity arise.

I rarely go outside the palace, I can't even go to other places or any cities.
If ever I go outside the palace I have soldiers or bodyguards with me just like now.

My only news about the outside world is through news on TV, reports from my second person in command and through the King, my father.

Although my father trained me to be a good leader someday and thought me how to defense myself if anything happens, I know it is still not enough to protect myself from those greedy enemies.

They plan to target me as the next successor, those enemies want to take the throne and if ever that happens the country will surely fall, people will starve and they might end up being dead. I don't want that to happen.

When I started my training back when I was a child, I promised myself that I will do my best to be the next good Queen someday when my time comes being crowned.

"Lisa." Chaeng speak breaking my train of thoughts.

"I know Chaeng, I just need to think then I'll go back to the palace, don't worry." I say smiling at her before looking around the surrounding areas. It is a sunny day and paired with fresh air it can totally make someone feel relax.

Some of the soldiers and guards are around guarding the place. This place is one of my sanctuary, I go here whenever I have some things to think deeply with it's fresher air perks of being close to the forest.

This place helps me clear up my mind and I can think deeply in here without someone disturbing me, I discovered this place when one time I was being chased by a crazy person just because he thought I was his lost wife like dude, I am way younger than him aside from that girls are my type.

He chased me all the way outside the palace with my guards following us and he keeps on screaming 'Wifey, you're back, come to your handsome husband!' I'm sorry to say this but he is far from handsome and his voice sounds like someone was chocking him. It was reported after that the man got inside the palace pretending to be sane.

I ran faster than them which made it hard for him and the guards to keep up on me, when we were close to the forest I quickly made a turn and that's how I ended up discovering this place.

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