"Thank you," I smileda t her and encouraged Perrie to sit up.


"Mama?" Perrie said to me as she looked at the huge selection of sweets in front of her.

"Yeah baby?" I asked as I quickly texted Leigh back letting her know the movie had finished and we were heading home any minute.

"W-what mummy favwet?" she smiled cutely and pointed at them.

"I got the sweetie tub for you princess," I giggled and cuddled her.

"I know bu' I wan' get some fwor mama too," she whispered shyly. I smiled at her and told her what Leigh's favorite sweet was. Her eyes scanned over the selection and her little face lit up when she saw them in the bottom corner. She went over and instantly began putting them in her tub.

"Make sure you leave enough room for all your sweets too baby," I laughed as she kept putting scoop after scoop in. she stopped as she realized what I meant. She turned to me sadly. I giggled and went to help her. I poured some out into their tray then asked Pez which ones she wanted. She went round and told me, practically picking all of them. Once the tub was full I put the lid on and smiled at Pez.

"Right then little lady, do you need potty?" I asked sternly. She thought for a moment then shook her head smiling.

"Positive?" I asked. She nodded and smiled.

"Okay then, hold mummy's hand and we can get going," I said to her. It was getting dark now and I didn't need my little one getting scared or lost.

We got to the car and Perrie got in the front seat and did her belt up without being asked which was great to see.

I started the car and headed home.

"Mama wants us to pick up some food for her, what should we get?" I asked and rested my hand on Perrie's leg.

"hmm, maccies mummy," she giggled.

"Good idea baby," I replied happily and drove in the direction of Mcdonalds.



Jade had texted me, letting me know about Perrie's accident and also that she had slipped which we were both expecting to be honest. I was a little bit disappointed in Jade for not taking anything with her but then again she was just as excited as Perrie was this morning so I knew it wouldn't have crossed her mind. I was looking forward to having my girls home though. I had missed them both a lot.

Brooklyn's nursery visit went really well, she got along really well with the other children which was amazing to see as a mother. It let me know I was doing something right. She was asleep now though, it had tired her out and obviously with it being 7pm, it was bop on her bedtime and she was already down! I felt accomplished that I had done it without Jade's help or getting too upset but honestly, she was easy as she was so tired. She had a later nap too just because we were at the nursery which was fine by me as it let me get back into my swing of work a little bit more. I had to catch up with my students and the work they've been doing whilst I've been gone. I obviously left them with a supply but I needed to make sure I was all caught up.

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