《Chapter 2》

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Whilst mum continued eating, I decided to check the kitchen for any food. I looked around all the cupboards but sadly there wasn't any. Am I gonna go hungry again? Guess I'll have to.

I opened the fridge and saw a bowl of rice there.

Yes! At least there's something to eat. I'll reheat it. I put it in the microwave and stared at it until it beeped. I haven't had food in so long and today I just seem to be craving it. I sat at the table and ate the rice. Mum stared at me and placed a few fries on top. I looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Here. You should have some. You haven't had food for long." She says. I smile at her. I love my mum. She's way too kind. "I would've given you the burger but I may have ate it.." She mumbles sadly making me laugh.

"You remind me a lot of your brother's. I wish they were here. It wouldn't be so lonely." She mumbles to herself making me frown.

My brother's.....

They are all you talk about....


"But you got me." I say smiling but she still looked down sadly at the floor. "I know that I have you here. But I still want them back. They're my everything. They're my children." She says making me want to cry.

What am i then?

Aren't I also your child?

Why do you keep talking about them?

Why do you keep wanting them to come back even though they don't give a shit about you?

Yet I've done everything but....

You song do the same about me...

Maybe if I try harder you'll notice...just maybe..

Won't you?

I ate my food in silence. Once I was done I took the dishes and washed them and them put them into the cupboards.

"You should head to sleep now. It's pretty late." I say glancing at the old clock which looked like it could fall down any minute. "Okay." She answers.

Once I was done with the dishes I went to the room and watched as mum went into bed and tucked herself in. I watched her put hf head down and slowly drift into sleep. I smiled at her. I enjoyed the silence until I hear my phone Ringing.

Ugh. What now?!

"Hello?" I answer with an annoyed tone.

"S-Sorry boss. I called to inform y-you that we caught the mafia's member you requested us to capture. " my assistant said shakilu after hearing how annoyed I was.

"Alright. I'll be right there." I say before hanging up.

Looks like they caught a member of that mafia. I guess i could have a little fun.

"I'll be back soon mum. Don't worry." I say and give her a peck on the cheek. I put on my coat and go towards the headquarters.

There was a lot of chatter but as soon as I entered everyone shut up. Everyone feared me ever since I started this mafia. They know what I'm capable of.

"Where is he?" I ask to one of my members. I think his name was....Nick?

"H-His in the torture room." He says to me. I nod and walk off to the torture room. The door creamed as I opened it.

The guys was tied against a chair with ropes. He looked at me and once he recognised me, he started trembling.

Wow. He's scared already? Pathetic.

I thought he'd be one of those fun ones. You know the ones That would rebel? Yeah. Those ones.

I walked towards him and sit on the chair across him.

"Whos your boss?" Is all I asked and he started shaking. I'm planning on destroying their mafia. I just need to know their boss and then they can be destroyed.

"No. I-I can't tell you..." He says looking down. I lid his chin up with my hand. "I'm sure you know who I am?" I question looking at him straight in the eye. "Y-Yes." He replies with fear in his eyes.

Guess this wouldn't be so boring after all.

"You do know what I'm capable of, don't you?" I ask more like stated. He nodded fearfully. "Itd be easier if you just admit it now." I say coldly. He shook his head. "You sure about that?" I ask taking out a knife. I trace it across his skin causing him to shiver.

He still refused. I took the knife and glided it across his skin causing deep cuts. He screamed in pain. "Still not?" He still refused.

"Looks like I'll have to make you." I say and call Nick. "Torture him until he gives the answers." I say and he nods. "Yes ma'am." The guy in the chair screamed. "Give me a chance please! I beg you"

"I gave you a chance but you didn't take it,so face the consequences." I say coldly before leaving. I could hear his screaming as they beat him but I ignored him and walked out.

"Anything else knew to report?" I asked and they all replied "No!" as quickly as they could in fear that they'd get killed by me. They know me too well.

I walk home and put my coat away. I then come into the room and lie in bed next to mum who is still asleep. I glanced at the clock only to realise that its already five 'o clock. I only have an hour to sleep.

I snuggle up into the blankets and get into a comfortable position. I fall asleep almost instantly.

Authors Note

Hey guys! It's your terrible author here's aka laaiqah. Here's another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry for any mistakes or errors because I don't edit or check coz I'm too lazy.


What do you think is gonna happen next?

Did you guys expect Vanessa to be this cruel? (Be honest. I'm curious.😂)

Do you think that she was always cruel?

What happened between her brother's and her?

What do you think happened that caused them to separate?

What do you think about the following characters:


Her mum

Nick (the poor guy who nearly pissed his pants😂😂)

The guy who got tortured

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Love you guys! ❤



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