Poly!Heathers+Veronicax werewolf!Reader

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You needed this break from being pent up for so long and right now feeling the ground beneath your paws and the wind in your fur was one of the best experiences you had ever had. Among other things...

If you could smirk, there would be one plastered across your face.

You stopped your running after a few minutes, panting heavily. Now you needed a water break. You could only pray that you wouldn't be in view of the Chandler cabin's large windows.

You trotted over to the lake and let out a breath of relief that you had ran far enough that you were well out of sight. Bending down you began to drink from the lake which usually, the very thought would disgust you but, seeing as you were essentially an oversized dog you couldn't really care any less.

You were peacefully drinking, listening to the sounds of the forest until something caught your ear. You stopped drinking mid lap and abruptly stood up.

You turned and scanned the tree line behind you cautiously as your ears rotated to try and pick up on the sound again.

And then to your right, you heard it again. A soft click. It wasn't a natural sound that you would expect to be made by the trees and the many creatures that inhabited them.

Your hackles raised as you peered deeper into the woods. But when you saw it, it was far too late. The glint of a gun in the moonlight shone in your eyes before the weapon that was pointed directly at you was fired.

You let out a great cry of pain as the bullet lodged itself in your shoulder. You growled at your attacked and were about to charge at him with you heard another bullet being loaded into the chamber.

You knew I'd you charged it would only give the poacher a better angle on you. So instead, you ran.

You could hear the man curse under his breath as you took off in the opposite direction. Another shot was fired and clipped your ear causing you to let out a low growl.

With the Adrenaline rushing through your veins you didn't even realize where you had run to. That was until you ended up in front of the Chandler cabin.

Panting heavily you looked down at the ground to see a small pool of thick blood gathering at your paw. You let out another growl of frustration and pain before looking up at the porch only to be met with four pairs of terrified eyes.

You inwardly winced as you looked at their shocked and horrified faces before stepping forward. You immediately jumped back as Duke let out a loud shriek and grabbed onto Mac.

You gulped before sitting down and shifting back into your human form. Immediately your gripped your bleeding shouldered and bit down hard on your shoulder.

"What the FUCK!"



"Wait, WHAT?"

There's we're all phrases that were yelled at you as your naked form slowly looked up at your girlfriends who's expressions were less scared and more horrified.

"H-hey guys." You gritted out. "No time to explain, kinda bleeding out here." You whimpered as you slowly walked up the porch stairs.

Veronica was the first to jump into action, albeit a little delayed seeing as you were well into the house and walking off towards the bathroom once she reached you.

Mac and Chandler slowly joined the two of you as the shock wore off somewhat. When they say you laying in the bathtub trying to convince Veronica to use a kitchen knife to pluck the bullet out of your shoulder, the shock came back full force.

"Goddamnit Veronica, could you just take this and get the damn thing out?" You exclaimed exasperatedly. "I don't wanna hurt you Y/N!" She yelled back in a panic.

You let out a loud groan and decided to try and get it out yourself. You positioned the knife but found your hands were far too shaky to do it.

"Move." Came a firm command from behind Mac and Chandler. Everyone turned to look as Duke pushed past your other three girlfriends and took the knife from your hand.

Without so much as looking at you, she carefully began to remove the bullet. You took a deep breath and began to pound the bathroom wall with your hand as pain ripped through your body.

"Got it!" Duke exclaimed triumphantly before setting the bullet on the bathroom sink.

"Now we gotta clean it" you groaned as Veronica held up a bottle of rubbing alcohol. "I'm sorry in advance." You braced yourself before she poured some into the wound causing you to let out a deep growl and then a loud whimper of pain. "GOD!" You yelled out.

Soon the pain subsided and Veronica began to carefully clean around the wound as well. You leaned back looked around them. "I'm gonna have to do my own stitches aren't I?"

They all shared a look that answered the question for you causing you to sigh. You got right to work after You coached Veronica on how to thread the needle.

You took it from her and skillfully began to patch yourself up. This was only a pro caution so that it didn't get infected seeing as it would be healed up within a matter of days.

You tied off the knot and put the needle away before cleaning off the small wound on your ear, it burned like a bitch.

Mac silently walked in and handed you a change of clothes which you took gratefully. You got out of the bathtub and looked at all of them.

"So...I guess I have some explaining to do huh?"

"Ya think?" Duke snapped making you wonder at her tone. "Listen, I didn't mean any harm by keeping it from you. I just didn't want you guys to be scared of me. Plus it never came up in conversation." You defended.

"Why on Earth would you being a werewolf ever come up in conversation?" Chandler asked as she crossed her arms tightly over her chest. You bit your lip and looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry guys. I should have told you."

"Yes, you should have Y/N. Now look-" Veronica was cut off by a knock at the front door. Your head snapped up and you couldn't help the growl that escaped you that made your girlfriends jumps you pushed past them and marched over to the door before opening it to be met with a tall young man, brandishing a rifle.

"I'm sorry to bother you miss but I just wanted to warn you about being out in these woods. There's a big beast out in there are parts," he started as his eyes wandered into the cabin as if he was casing the place for any sign of you. "I shot it not too long ago and tracked it here. This is where the trail ends and I just wanted to make sure you ladies were safe." His eyes settled back on you.

Your jaw was set in place before you let out a soft scoff. "Night hunting are we?" You asked narrowing your eyes at him. "It would be a real shame if the rangers found out you were illegally shooting innocent animals now wouldn't it?"

The man stared at you in slight disbelief as his mouth bopped up and down as he looked for a way to respond. He finally closed his eyes and let out a low huff as a hard look settled on his features. "I know it's here somewhere, and I will find it, young miss, mark my words."

"You've overstayed your welcome sir. Get off my porch and stop poaching animals." You said before slamming the door in his face. You let out a deep breath and turned to see your girlfriends behind you.

Your shoulders sagged and you sighed. "Great, not only are y'all mad at me but now I got that guy on my ass." Chandler soon her head and walked over to you before gently pulling you into her arms.

You instantly rested your face in the crook of her neck and wrapped your arms around her as best you could. "We're not mad Y/N, just worried for you." Sounds of agreement filled the air as the others joined in on the hug, careful not to disturb your injured shoulder.

"We love you Y/N. It's just a lot to take in right now." Mac whispered to you causing you to nod. "I love you guys too."

After a beat of peaceful silence, Veronica spoke up. "So like, do we have to take you out on walks now?" You let out a loud laugh and shook your head before pulling away and leading them all upstairs and into bed.

Heathers and Mean girls x reader oneshots GxG (requests open)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz