- Cristine & Jake -

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Cristine couldn't sleep after Troy's visit and night had fallen so she lit up the battery powered lamps in the infirmary and to keep her mind instead of body busy, she decided to finish the first volume of her medical journal. The non-standard first-aid book was meant for even the untrained individual to use when she wasn't present or dead. The handbook wasn't particularly thick, but everything written inside was done with care and precision. No complicated phrasing or words if it wasn't necessary. The structure of each page concise and to the point. She addressed the ailments, its symptoms, to-do and not to do, which medicines or herbs to use and the aftercare. Writing this granted her the same calmness and purpose as when she cleaned the infirmary. Time went by and before Cristine knew it she was at the end of the book and a sense of accomplishment. Feeling vindicated after she squeezed the final word at the end of the last page, a smile stretched Cristine's lips, the sheen color on her face bright and the dimpled cheeks prominent. The young medic truly resembled a delighted child that had finished her personal project. Distracted by her pride, Cristine hardly noticed Jake standing at the entrance until he made his presence known.

"I see you finished it." Cristine was slightly started by his appearance this late and followed his line of sight at the journal with impressive eyes. Brushing her fingers against the last page, the soft smile returned and Jake asked, "how long did it take you to finish it?"

"Twenty-seven days. It's not nearly as extensive as the medical books I've read during my residency days and won't make up what we've lost during the fire." Cristine shut the notebook when Jake invited himself inside, hands rubbing at either side of his soft pants. The last time she saw her friend was when they fought against the dead, Jake volunteered to draw the dead away and never returned, only for him to have catch them all off-guard by heading to the Nation to negotiate peace.

"I heard about Kathy's delivery and our new addition of the community."

"Yeah. She's a genuine spitfire, but healthy overall. Have you seen her?" Cristine her face lit up talking about their barely week old member.

"Not yet, I didn't have time to do my rounds yet since I've returned." Jake shook his head.

There was a prolonged silence from either side. Cristine lowered her eyes and scratched a nail on top of the hard cover of her medical journal. Moving her slack jaw from side to side, she put her focus on everything but Jake. Because if she did, she would be reminded that he'd just run off like some idiot and showed the Nation all their cards. They were right back where they started because Jake let the bleeding hearts get to him and she didn't understand. Swallowing her frustration, Cristine decided not to speak up or even ask what kind of idiot he was until he'd bring it up.

On the opposite side, Jake stared at the younger woman's downcast face. "Silent treatment, huh?" Sighing, Jake reached for one of the chairs before settling it opposite of the narrow table occupying her utensils and finished notebook. The frigidity of Cristine's mood characterized by vexation dampened Jake's spirit considerably. The last few days were hectic on both sides and negotiation with Walker hadn't been easy at all. It was straining at most and the hostility was crushing being there as the only one. He was doing his family, friends, and the community even if many people were looking at him as if he'd betray them and with Cristine giving him that exact same look, it diminished his spirits. Jake wrung his hands together and thought of something he hadn't told Cristine before.

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