Chapter 37

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"Don't shoot!" The familiar voice begged before the door of the driver side opened. Troy breathed deeply and his brows furrowed tightly. The white lights dimmed and he saw the person exit the car slowly, arms raised. "I'm stepping out slowly. Don't do anything rash son."

"You shouldn't have followed me." Troy's finger twitched on the trigger when the silhouette of James became clear after his eyes adjusted to the muted darkness again. His gaze quick flicked to the massacre of the RV and Troy threateningly stepped forward and demanded. "Why are you here?!"

"Saw you sneak out," James answered, tune low and voice controlled. He didn't react to the sound of the agitated snarls. James kept looking at him with the calmest gaze. "Lower the rifle Troy. I know you're not going to shoot me."

A sneer that was more distress than an act of gallantry. "Don't tempt me." The sound of the passenger seat opening made Troy move the nuzzle of his weapon in that direction. He blinked a couple of times, taken back as to why she was here and spoke, voice confused, "Madison?" She had her arms up, but her gaze was harsh and stoic. She had her chin raised and her eyes peered directly at Troy, calculated and in a manner that always looked for an angle. Troy grimaced, moody and wary by her motivations. If Madison had but a sliver of being able to use something to her advantage, she would.

"Put the gun down Troy," Madison bid coolly and after a bout of silence lowered her arms. In spite of Troy holding them under gunpoint, she was so strangely calm in the situation.

Troy didn't know how to feel. How to respond. He was confused, not anxious of what they'd find, but caught off-guard by their response. In particular James. It was easy to figure out what happened. What he had done to the Trimbols... to Mike. Troy locked his gaze with said man and the corner of his lips twitched. "I swear it wasn't supposed to go like this... He needed to look me in the face and say it to me James. Like Vernon did to you."

James didn't speak until Troy finished and bobbed his head, acknowledging his claim, "I know." Troy chewed on his chapped lips, tense stance faltering just that bit and he glanced at Mike's corpse. "Just put down the gun and we'll figure this out."

"Why?!" Troy snapped, eyes feral again. It didn't make sense that James, out of everyone, was this calm and understanding. Troy might have not been as clear headed and in control of himself during the act, but James his response was more messed up than anything. "You should draw your gun. Make me pay for killing your friend."

"He's dead, Troy. Whether he died by your hand, the dead, Walker's or someone else... that was his fate. I warned him and he didn't want to listen to me. He wanted to see for himself what was out here for him and his family... and he did."

"James," Madison interjected in a clipped tone. She glanced back and forth between him and Troy. James paused briefly, looked the mother up and down, as if she told him a joke, and shrugged. Troy was still confused, but relaxed when he couldn't detect any lies. Slowly, but gradually he lowered his riffle. His shoulders dipped down, the weight on them heavy and light at the same time. He didn't know if he should feel guilty or relieved, his mind and emotions at an all time high, but steadily faltering to as they were before. At a state where he didn't feel anger, fury or anything else.

James nodded and finally looked in the direction of the busted RV. It was too dark for Troy to see his expression. But his posture was neither tense or relaxed and Troy his eyes followed James walking towards the vehicle. Still wary and confused before he looked at the weapon in his hands. He felt empty and tired and blamed it on the adrenaline leaving his system.

"Do you regret it? Troy sucked in a breath and didn't realize that Madison was this close to him until he snapped his neck up in alarm. He avoided her gaze at first, unable to find the words to answer. The figure of James from his peripheral distracted him, but the Madison made sure she had his attention. Troy looked at the ground again, pondering about his answer and opened his mouth.

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