- Troy & Madison & James -

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James looked at Madison as if she were crazy. Well, not crazy, the explanation made a lot of sense, but he wasn't comfortable to allow the woman to just freely waltz in here and demand. They didn't have people to spare for a rescue mission, especially with tensions high and a parley. Sign-ups increased after the Trimbols, yes, but the skills of the militia as a whole weren't as stable or harnessed as before. Palming the back of his neck, sighing, James addressed the woman, "listen, I understand that you're concerned about your daughter, but we can't risk the Nation attacking us."

"This isn't up for debate James," Madison retorted, gesturing at their back and forth and nipped his unbending certitude to save Alicia at the bud. "Walker is violent and brutal. He's playing us. I won't let her life be forfeit, I have to get Alicia out of there." And she was going to get her daughter out, by any means necessary. Her face was stiff, possessively obstinate to have this father with children as well see where she was coming from. "You would do the exact same thing if it were either Hailey or Cristine back there."

A crooked movement tilted the ends of the white-haired man's lips, but not even his eyebrow twitched when the mother brought it up. "I won't deny that Madison," James's tune lowered and raised his head, "but I also know neither would put themselves in that situation to begin with. Jeremiah told me Alicia volunteered."

"She's only eighteen! And your daughter knew and still didn't tell anyone of the risk she took!" The volume of her voice only seemed to rise, incredulous and frustrated with James his words. Darting her eyes in Troy's direction, who stood at a distance near the sidelines like some side-character while the grown-ups did the talking. She placated Troy with force and obligation for what she'd done for him last night and the youngest Otto followed through. Once their eyes connected, Troy briefly lowered his, chewing on his lip with a reserved stillness of a child scolded. Knowing he'd done something he had to pay the debt of. His hands were inside his pockets, reclusive of the conversation, but Madison would have none of that.

"I lectured my daughter and what she did was stupid. It still doesn't negate the fact that Alicia did what she wanted. Besides, anyone who doesn't have the green light to go out doesn't. We can't spare anyone from the militia if we need our men later on."

Madison's face contorted from the insult of James's statement. "We're wasting time. I'm not sitting on my ass while my daughter is with that man."

James slightly shook his head. He was keeping their community safe and respecting Jeremiah's wishes. He wasn't going to risk his family and put at risk at the whims of one. He didn't do it for Vernon and he wasn't about to do it for her either. This parley was a joke and for once, James didn't mind Jeremiah's lack of care and bullheadedness. Dropping his shoulder simultaneously with a deep exhale, James decided to take a different approach. He could garner sympathy for the woman's concern and her anger was understandable, he wasn't heartless of the dilemma. His pragmatic talk clearly put the woman on edge and he actually liked Madison enough to appease her, "Jeremiah says that this is Jake's play and at least wants to give his son a chance to-"

"Troy backs it." Madison wasn't going to listen to the ramblings of an old man looked back at Troy after making her statement, hoping them being in the majority would be enough to acquiesce. The baby blue gaze wandered from her to their silent spectator. Narrowing her eyes in indignation at his nonchalance, Madison had a hard time picking through and swaying the family man. Rarely had it been a challenge for Madison to influence the people around her and she thought she had James on her side. It was good to know that she probably never did. There was this bizarre disconnect with James. It completely caught Madison off-guard. The bonding over their children and the safety of their families non-existent when it truly mattered. James his comfortable indifference flabbergasted Madison.

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