Chapter 14

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Cristine clicked her tongue and rubbed at her nick in her neck, as if doing that would make it go away. She'd have to pull through for the rest of the day and mind her position next time she and Troy-

Next time.

A small frown wrinkled her face before she quickly dried herself with the towel and changed in a pair of fresh clothes. Just as she finished buttoning her shirt, there was a knock on her door. "Come in," she said and turned around to the night stand to grab her knife and gun. The hinges of the front door creaked when the person opened it from the outside. Since she was half turned to the door, she was surprised to see Blake enter with a tray of food and coffee in his hand.

"Mornin'. Got you some breakfast. You're lucky too, got you some of the last batch of coffee." He was in an awfully cheery mood and Cristine ran her tongue over her teeth behind her closed lips. She quickly flashed him a tight smile when the dark blonde looked at her with a chipper expression after he put the tray and beverage on the table.

"Thanks," Cristine answered with a nod.

Blake purposely looked around her single cabin. He only set foot in here a few times, but it hadn't changed. A bed with a small nightstand and cabinet near the wall, a table with two chairs in the center. There were a few books on top of the cabinet. It was very simple and a minimalistic. After his perusing stare, Blake looked back and felt his mouth twitch. Dark, chestnut brown orbs peer back with faint inquiry. Breathing in briefly, Blake lifted his arms so he could put his hands on his hips. "Thought I'd check on you since it's rare for you to be up this late."

Cristine held back the yawn that threatened to spill past her lips, not trying to betray that she did a late night therapy session of clearing the dead and was the reason for her morning fatigue. "Yeah, I couldn't really sleep and before I knew it, the sun got up. You guys leaving already?"

Blake lightly rubbed his hands on the sides of his uniform before nodding, "Almost done packing. We're leaving in thirty. Troy said maybe you'd come?" Blake narrowed his eyes and a trace of concern flashed in his eyes, "you sure you're up to it?"

Cristine ran her tongue over her lips and snorted as if she'd hear a funny joke. First of all, Blake was rambling and secondly, he was treating her as some type of glass china set. "Blake." Cristine lifted her hand to stop him from talking and he did just that. She placed her gun in the holster at her side and asked, "what're you doing?"

Blake didn't really try to hide his concern that well now that Cristine was blunt with her question. The frown swallowed his amicable mask. He lightly lowered his head to hide the faintest chewing motion. "Just looking out for you... making sure you're not pushing yourself. With the infirmary shifts you've been taking during the day and patrol duty at night, not to mention your chores during the day. Maybe you should sit this one out."

"I hadn't made my decision yet really," Cristine shrugged unfazed by Blake's well-meant concern. She just didn't understand where this was all coming from. "Stop being weird and tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong," Blake sighed, slightly frustrated that Cristine wouldn't just take his advice and do as he asked for once. But that wouldn't be Cristine so he clarified, "I just have a gut feeling that you staying back with the others is better than coming with us."

Cristine ran her tongue over the inside of her cheeks, stared at her friend for a silent minute and scratched the corner of her head, a subtle sign that she was contemplating his request. If it was someone outside of her family Cristine considered trusting and respecting their opinion, without a doubt, Blake was definitely on that list. "You think it's that bad?

"You don't?" Blake asked, brow arched. "It's been over 36 hours with no contact back from McCarthy or anyone from the party. We have to be ready for anything and after us, you're the ones the newbies look up to..." Blake then grinned, "also, you look like shit and will hold us back if you decide to tag along."

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