Chapter 23

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Troy's plan sounded decent. Get ready for the attack by being a few steps ahead of Walker. Give them the idea they were scared and couldn't fight because of the people's division and departure. Walker wanted the land so they would answer his demand with a carefully planned ambush on their turf. Cristine leaned against the edge of the small table and with an eagle view divided her attention between the people present in Jeremiah's office.

Troy stood in front of father's oak desk to present the information and his plan. Jake stood near the window with eyes fixed on his younger brother balancing between worry and hesitation. From the corner of her eyes stood Vernon. James was able to placate him to come. It wasn't a secret he and his family were packing and told anyone willing to listen to heed Walker's warning and abandon Broke Jaw Ranch. Heed his advice to flee to the other 'safer' Prepper communities. As inauspicious as she could Cristine's slightly narrowed gaze landed on the last person she expected to be amongst this gathering; Madison Clark. To her surprise then immediate suspicion her father apparently invited her. He respected the woman's opinions and insights. Cristine didn't know what to think of this little coalition Madison and her father started. She only ever advised Madison to prove herself to the people who weren't sheep. Her father didn't fit that label and Madison successfully managed to loom around James like a shadow. Rolling her fingertips between her palms, Cristine decided to reserve the questions for after.

"We draw them to the Ranch. Let 'em think we abandoned the place and attack them from the front, rear, and flanks." Troy's piercing eyes were plastered on Jeremiah's pensive face after finishing his proposal. It was something he came up with while he and Cristine left their prisoner cabin. They lost more than a few people and after thinking it through, properly this time, Troy came to the conclusion that going to the Nation guns blazing wasn't the best idea. He believed they had a much better chance to beat Walker on their turf and with the illusion they were scared.

Jeremiah looked to his companions. "What do you think?" James scratched the underside of his grey beard and Vernon had this air of hesitance around him. That was good. At least Vernon was wavering his steadfastness to leave with his family to who knew were.

"It's a good plan son," James gave Troy an impressionable look to which the younger man replied by tipping his chin down. "We know the Ranch and the area better than they do. It's a lot of acres. We know where to hide, where to set traps and lure them in."

"And the ones who can't fight? Where do they hide from the battle? The women, children and elderly?" Vernon asked worriedly, thinking about Gretchen and Kathy's safety, "we don't have a time stamp of when this attack will be... they could be coming now as we speak."

"A few of us have RV's. We use those for the vulnerable members and have part of the able bodied protect them. We place them away from the fight, but with an escape route if they need to move," Cristine suggested.

"So this means negotiations are off the table?" Jake packed the courage to be the voice of reason in response to them discussing declaration war plans. Their right to fight was valid, but it left Jake's conscious with a discomfort that no one even considered an all out war as the last resort. They beat Walker before and there was more at stake than just the Ranch... what about the future they were trying to build? This place was supposed to be more than that. A chance for humans to live together. At least be tolerant of the other while fighting their enemy; the dead. Jake looked at his father then Troy. In this moment, he felt like the odd one out in his own family. It was Troy who was even "What about what we discussed yesterday? Why would Walker even attack when he doesn't have the means to? Our family handled him before and like dad says we won each time."

"When there were courts and laws," Troy didn't hide the frustration in his voice, "the rules of the old world don't count anymore brother. Walker killed our people and our response is to break bread with him? That's the same as us waving the white flag."

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