Chapter 25

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Their temporary settlement, a gorge that stood dry for years, wasn't so bad. The sun-bleached cliffs surrounding the area were manned by tents from either side by their militia as guard post. Patches of shrubbery ranging from dark, light to pale plunge into the slanted valley where the Survivalist set up camp. The people were anxious, missing the safety of their walls, but James and Vernon urged everyone to maintain their usual routines as much as they could. That the situation was only temporary until they went back home victorious.

Cristine moved the diaphragm of her stethoscope over her patient's back. "Breathe in deeply for me, please," she requested and intently listened to the breathing sounds and after some silent, passing seconds removed the end of the stethoscope's aside. She glanced at Hailey and instructed her how she could do a simple diagnosis. "The way someone breaths through their lungs can quickly help you determine what's wrong," she explained.

"It sounds like wheezing?" Hailey's brows scrunched up, carefully describe the sound before looking at Cristine for confirmation.

"That's right. Luckily, it's just a case of bronchitis; a cold to the chest," Cristine clarified and took looked back from her sister to the elderly man, "you need to drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest Mr. Rogers. Try to avoid smoke and fumes from the campfires. I'll give you some cold medicines for relief."

After setting up the infirmary together with some of the guys, that same morning Hailey surprised Cristine with wanting to work under her tutelage. Hailey didn't want to just cook and clean anymore. With heat burning through her cheeks and the flames in her blue eyes, Hailey brought her appeal to her sister. So with their father and even Dolores', permission, Hailey officially became Cristine's novice. Her new assistant was diligent and attentive and even wrote the terms she didn't understand down. While still confused, Hailey didn't take her new duty as a joke or slacked off just because they were sisters.

Smiling at Hailey organizing the medicine cabinet, Cristine looked at the infirmary's other volunteer; Alicia. The girl was busy cleaning a nasty cut from one of the ranchers. Cristine would reserve her judgement for Madison's children given that they didn't give her that wariness when in their presence. The young teen even conversed with her and the people that visited them about menial things. Surprisingly, Alicia had the right, natural and soothing tune to calm someone down. The two would definitely lessen the occupancy of the infirmary in the long run when things would get bad; which Cristine was sure it would. Also, it seemed Hailey found a camaraderie in the youngest Clark member; which wasn't odd given that the two were so close in age.

"Alright ladies, I'll be doing up some check-ups." Cristine rose from the low stool and walked to the corner of the tent. She picked one of the backpacks with medical gear and swung it over her shoulder. Cristine's routine was pretty simple, do check-ups around camp for the more fragile ones in their camp. It was important to maintain some kind system that this was only temporary and alleviate people's anxiousness that family and friends were back at the Ranch to fight for their lives. This was just a part of the whole picture, but it was the most Cristine she felt she could do.

"Can Alicia and I come?" Hailey asked.

Cristine looked between the two. Alicia didn't say much, but Cristine didn't see the harm in them watching and learning. It would help in the long-run. After taking a moment to consider the question Cristine shrugged.


Alicia tried not to gawk at Cristine's first patient. The woman tiny and slender in her pastel colored sundress, carefully stroke the roundness of her protruding belly. A stout man stood in the corner of the RV. His harsh brown eyes hawked Cristine's every movement as she inspected his wife. From browsing through the medical bag, to touching his wife's and putting on a pensive expression from the answers provided to her, the muscles on his face were taut. Maybe it was her imagination, but Alicia detected traces of resentment from the tense man, for what she didn't know.

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