Chapter 1

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You land the X-wing in a small clearing on the outskirts of a minuscule settlement hidden within the thick shrubbery of the Endorian moon. S2-B5 whirs as the droid is lowered to the soft ground underneath the ship, and you hop down from the craft to meet it.

"Don't worry, Leia already told them I was coming. This is the easy part of the mission, remember?" You reassure the small droid as it spins and chirps anxiously.

You secure your lightsaber behind your back, the hook attached to your backpack snagging the weapon with ease, and pat the droid on the head before beginning your trek towards the village.

Immediately you begin to feel the familiar sensation of belonging and determination creeping into your being, this truly is what you are meant to be doing, no matter how tired or scared of it you get.

When you first started these missions for the Resistance, you felt uneasy. You were still so set in to typical path of the Jedi, you had never considered murdering people in cold blood. Somehow, Leia had coaxed you into the first mission and you had been hooked ever since. Not the murdering part, that still unsettled your stomach. But avenging hundreds -if not thousands- of deaths that the First Order have caused makes you feel as though it's worth it, no matter how far from 'the Jedi way' you stray. Besides, it's not like you've never broken Jedi code before...

The dense forest rises far into the clouds above you, and the small ferns coating the ground tickle your black boots as you continue through. A strong scent of clean air with a hint of pine greets your nostrils, and you take a large breath in to get more of the refreshing aroma.

You can feel a familiar pull rising within your chest, extending out of your sternum almost as if you can see it. The Force within this forest is quite strong, one of the strongest pulls you have felt in months, though you can sense that it is not unbalanced or negative. The power of the Force is heightened by the extravagance and density of the nature and peace within the moon.

You make sure to creep quietly through the greenery, even though the people you're meeting are expecting you (long time allies of the Resistance, or so you were told), First Order patrols are not as seldom to come by as they used to be, and you can't blow this mission before it truly begins.

Your legs propel you toward the top of a small hill, and you can see a collection of wooden huts tucked within the valley below.

Almost immediately after you scale the mound, a prominent horn is sounded in the distance.

"Well S2, I think they know we're here," You say towards the droid with a chuckle.

The two of you descend towards the settlement, and you can see a short figure walking towards you.

The droid chirps beside you, hesitantly slowing down in fear of the approaching creature.

"It's okay buddy, that's an ewok. They're all over the Endorian system. They won't hurt us," You speak in reassurance, though a little too soon.

A rock whizzes past your head and you immediately grasp your lightsaber and crouch into the closest bush.

"Dank farrik," You choke out, trying to look through the bush to watch the ewok.

S2-B5 whirs as they speed towards you, the droid has almost no time to stop and collides with you at full force. You're pushed onto the ground, wheezing a little as you realize the small droid knocked the wind out of you.

The droid beeps frantically and you sigh, looking up towards the trees above you as you try and regain your normal breathing pattern.

"I'm okay S2, it was just an accident," You whisper as you press the gold hilt of your lightsaber close to your chest.

The footsteps are getting closer, and you sit upright in a crouch to try and get a view of the incoming creature.

Suddenly, the footsteps are silenced, you peer through the shrubbery but just see the settlement further down the hill, no ewok in sight.

"AHHHHH!" A small voice sounds from somewhere above you.

You have little time to react as the small brown and furry creature lands on your back, starting to hit your shoulders with its small hands.

You stand up and grab the ewok's arm, and as gracefully as possible you swing them off your shoulder and onto the ground in front of you.

The ewok lands on its bottom with a 'hmph' and you crouch down to be eye level with it. You hold its arms as they repeatedly try to swing at you.

"I'm not here to harm you. My name is (Y/F/N Y/L/N), Leia Organa sent me," You say as calmly as you can, the creatures ears perking up at the mention of the General.

The ewok stands up and grabs your hand, making excited noises as it tries to pull you towards the settlement.

You shake your head with the bipolarity in the creature's actions, a smile tugging at your lips.

S2-B5 chirps beside you as the three of you make your way into the small village.

There are no villagers in sight, just the creature desperately pulling on your arm.

You look around confusedly, where is this little thing taking you?

The ewok makes an abrupt turn and tugs you into a small wooden shack to your right.

Your eyes sting in the sudden change from the bright light outside to almost pitch black within the hut. The ewok makes noises and you can sense them scurry out of the building shortly after.

"You're the one Leia sent?" You hear a feminine voice say from the corner of the room, it still being far too dark to see a face.

"Yes, she sent me here looking for information regarding-"

"I know what you're looking for. Luckily for you, the person you are looking for just sent a communique to one of my colleagues in Canto Bight. Asking for his usual room to be prepared before his arrival, tonight," The voice drawls and your grip on your lightsaber tightens.

"How do I know this information is accurate, and not some trap to land me in the custody of the First Order?" You question, squinting but still being unable to see the mysterious informant.

"Because I want him dead more than you do. He took everything from me," They say and without warning, a light is turned on and everything in the room becomes visible.

You blink harshly and try as your eyes adjust to the sudden light, you see that across the room from you is a pale woman with two mechanical arms, and burn wounds all across her body. Her eyes are glossed over with the color grey, and small patches of black hair sprout across her head. Even though you can tell she is blind, you know she is looking directly at you.

"He did this to me. He was in charge of the attack on my village on Malastare. He ordered his men to kill my whole family after I refused to give him information on Luke Skywalker's whereabouts," She says with distain. "Then he wounded me and left me in my burning home to die."

You frown, feeling a familiar burn rise up from within your stomach.

Anger is not your path, Y/N, you remind yourself and take a deep breath as you try to regain composure.

"You don't have much time, go, to Canto Bight," She speaks and you nod.

"Thank you." You say and turn towards the door of the hut.

"When you do kill him, and you will, before his death can you give him a message from me?" She asks suddenly.

"How do you know I'll be successful?" You ask curiously.

"Your reputation precedes you, Y/N," She adds cryptically.

You stop in the doorway, looking back at the mangled woman, "What's the message?"

"Tell him that Rizz says hello."  

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