Chapter 12

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"It's going to be okay hun" you heard Kayla say and all you could think was because she was here now. Unable to concentrate the world started spinning and grew black spots, you blinked to try get rid of them. Your head felt thick and as though it was stuffed with cotton balls. The feeling made you feel tired and realise how exhausted you were, your eyes fluttered. Your arm was secured to prevent hurting your shoulder more before getting to the infirmary. Your body started to dissipate again as the shade from the trees covered your legs. Will saw it first and assembled all the healers to work faster, the minotaur fell and soon the crowd around you grew. Will gave them orders to clear a path for the infirmary and put people on crowd control to hold back the people who would most likely want to see what is occurring.

They shuffled you over into the light and  your body slowly came back as the shadows were expelled. They lifted the board underneath you and slowly started to walk back to the infirmary. People came from their activities to try and see what all the commotion was about only to be stopped by the other demigods involved. You winced at the bright light that streamed through more clearly as you saw the Infirmary not too far ahead. Your regretted what you're done and he didn't help that both Kayla and Will kept looking at you to make sure you were still awake. You just wanted everything to be ok you you wish you hadn't had to tell tell about what was going on because you didn't know what risk it will be putting on the rest of the people in Camp. But it was too late now to go back and change what happened, as soon as you had healed you would probably have to deal with the consequences.

They made it to the infirmary doors finally and you could feel your body start to dissipate again, the cabin looming above you it's shadow causing your body to melt into the Shadows once again. You heard a panicked yelp from will who hurried the others to get you inside so they could help straight away before you disappeared.

You are placed back on a bed and you looked around everyone who was flitting around you, feeling your chest start to tighten from fear of what could happen. You weren't ready to meet your father yet. Kayla looked over and noticed your panic and gently took your hand rubbing the back.

"Hey y/n it's okay, you're safe here, we've got you take some deep breaths for me hun you've got this" You copied her motions paying all of your attention to her, you didn't see the IV being connected back to your arm or the group of healers who were holding gauze to put pressure on your shoulder. You started to calm and felt your eyelids grow heavy again, you whimpered not wanting to sleep looking over and seeing the IV.

"We can't treat you properly while you're awake y/n and you need to rest after using yourself up" Will spoke kindly and calmly but you still fidgeted. You wanted out it was to daunting for you to think about. Kayla moved over to help with your distress, she moved your chin to look at her gently. Once she knew she had your attention she slipped her hand into your hair, she massaged the hair to help you relax. And it worked completely, you were like putty in her hands. She made you feel safe so you trusted her easily, she kept the eye contact making you feel less alone as the draught started to pull you under.

"Get some rest y/n ill be here the whole time and I'm sure you'll wake up feeling much better than you do now" She kissed your forehead lightly just as your eyes slipped closed. She smiled softly then looked up to Will ready to take action and help you.

Kayla POV
As y/n relaxed she could finally get into the zone, first off they restitched her torn stitches and stitched her shoulder before bandaging both injuries. They bandaged and placed band aids over several other injuries before they all took a sigh of relief. The rest of the helpers were dismissed and from what Kayla and Will heard, they got mobbed on the way out. They gently moved you back to your corner bed, and then sat by your bedside.

She took y/ns hand and gently started to coax out some of the darkness inside and expelled it with her light. As she did this Will looked over to her-

"Do you like y/n, Kayla?" She looked up at him and couldn't help the faint blush that rose to her cheeks.

"Maybe a little?" She looked to her feet not noticing the smile on Will's face, "I don't know though I'm not pinning my hopes on it because we don't know what she's been through she might just like me as a friend, I don't know, she doesn't really like touch." She concluded and Will nodded.

"We are gonna have to keep a good eye on her since she's been on the run for so long, the amount of injuries and darkness is worrying and she'll need plenty of time to heal." She nodded listening to her brother. She continued coaxing out the darkness her mind drifting as she slowly became tired from the process, she felt a gentle touch rub her arm.

"Kay get some sleep you're going to drain yourself, I'll wake you up when she wakes don't worry" He steered her to the bed opposite y/n's where she layed down letting her eyes flutter shut, it had been a long day and she had expended a lot of her power. She knew she would need to be on top form tomorrow to make sure that y/n didn't try anything so she sighed and finally embraced the dark.

(1005 words)

Heyyy what do you think of this story? I'd love to hear your imput!

Love ya!
- Newolympus <3

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