Chapter 1

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I do not own anything other than the plot and you own yourself all characters belong to Rick Riordan.

Wind whistled down the streets of New York as you trudged through puddles and the remnants of poor weather weighed on everyone. Your scrapes were slowly healing from your last monster attack but this time you decided to stay on the road not wanting to risk them finding you again. They would be following your scent but at this point you didn't care they really just needed to leave you alone, everyday you were getting weaker. You had been using your powers with no restraint and it wasn't helping that you wouldn't sleep and barely eat, but what choice did you have nowhere was safe they always managed to find you.

Turning round a corner onto another alley to try and get out of the maze of streets to escape into the next state. Opting to stay on the side of the shadows where you felt safer, you could easily escape from them.

You heard it they were closing in so you picked up the pace and completely ran into someone. You hadn't been watching where you are going out of your fear and desperation to get away again. She was blonde and wore shorts and a tank top. She had a cap hanging from the buckle of her shorts and wore a scraped up backpack that was faded from years of use. You fell back just before you knocked her down, she immediately turned around and to your surprise held a bone sword. This was real it wasn't some fake sword kids play with you could see the mist flicker around it as mortals passed them.

"Can I help you?" She questioned confused as to what she should do. You shakily stood up and slipped the hair pin from your hair and snapped it. She looked at you confused until the snapped pieces stretched out into a celestial bronze sword. She realised that you were a demigod but then looked even more confused, she had never seen you before.

"I'm good get out of here it's coming and it's coming for me get out of here!" You warned as you got into a fighting stance she shook her head and came and stood next to each other.

"Demigods stand together, I'm Annabeth by the way and you are...?" She trailed off as she looked at you.

"Call me Wren," you said unwilling to give up your real name which I doubt she would recognise anyway bit it was better safe than sorry.

It came thundering around the corner saliva drooling from its hundreds of teeth. Scales rippling in the sunlight and Annabeth gasped at its horrific sight,  it was covered in scars and slashes from where you had been trying to kill it and it's minions all year. It hissed at the sight of you and you held up your head high it's minions drew their bows and fired you jumped in front of Annabeth and took the arrow it was deadly accurate and would have been it would have severed her neck. Howling in pain you immediately knew that it had gone straight through your shoulder blade. You ripped it out and let it clatter to the floor, Annabeth looked at you in gratitude she hadn't seen it coming. She latched herself forward and took out the first few archers revealing to her that they are undead soldiers.

She looked back at you, "they're sent by Hades! They're with the basilisk like it's body guards, when we get out of this you have a lot of explaining to do." She shouted over the noise of the fight. You nodded but had no intention of explaining the situation. As soon as this was over you were going to get out of here ASAP you needed no questions asked. Pushing back onto your feet you tried to command the soldiers to return to the earth but their command was too strong and they wouldn't leave unless they were destroyed. You took on 3 of the soldiers trying to remove them from the scene so yo could have at the basilisk with 7 remaining, 2 stood guard of the basilisk and 2 were fighting Annabeth. Dodging and diving you slew two of those you were fighting adrenaline was the only thing keeping you upright as soon as you brought down a final blow onto the undead warrior you felt your stitches tear from your last meeting with these persistent monsters. Blood seeped into your shirt and you cursed in Greek and made a mental note to change your shirt before going anywhere. You didn't want a repeat of New Jersey. Annabeth had slain her 2 warriors and now you both advanced to the final 2 and the basilisk Annabeth went for the soldiers so you launched a surprise attack on the basilisk but then suddenly you felt a wave of dizziness and instead of landing on the basilisk you kept falling and hit the floor with a cracking of your ribs winding yourself. Not now you can't start phasing now, you were becoming shadow again from overuse of your powers not this again.

Annabeth screamed, and you realised you had looked like you had been eaten. Before you regained a solid form you pushed yourself up wheezing and ran straight through the basilisk and Annabeth looked at you confused, mumbled "camp hal..." then passed out. Forgetting the imminent danger you ran straight to Annabeth and you finally were fully formed hauling her over your non injured shoulder you shadow jumped to the camp you had seen not much long ago in your dreams. Stumbling forward through dizziness you ran towards the first building you saw shouting desperately for help...

Hope you like it I have big plans for this story so stay tuned :)

Love ya
- Newolympus X

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