Chapter 2

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You stumbled over the roots of a large pine and made it over to a big house where people started to gather in a large crowd as you placed Annabeth gently onto the grass. They gasped obiously recognising her, from what you could tell these were all demigods not legacies just half blood. They all had beads around their necks but none had as many as Annabeth, you tried to make as little contact with anyone but here you were overwhelmed with people. And the crowd just kept growing until two boys split between the crowd one blonde and the other obsidian black hair just like Mateo's. They were followed by a girl with ginger hair contrasted with blinding green ends and a boy with dark brown hair in cornrows. They pushed to the front and dispersed the crowd as a conch horn sounded. Left behind were those splitting the crowd and 5 more people joined them, one came running shouting Annabeth.

You stepped back to let him get to Annabeth but everyone else's eyes were on you. The smaller boy who had been holding hands with the blonde boy looked down and muttered "the aura of death it really strong" everyone gasped at him but you knew it wasn't over Annabeth but yourself. He just couldn't tell since you were too close together that they assumed it was hers since she was unresponsive.

The blonde was already taking her pulse and telling the girl with ginger/green hair and the boy with cornrows to get a stretcher from cabin 7 whatever that meant. A boy who looked similar to the blonde but had glasses steppes towards you and feeling intimidated you hesitantly took a small step backwards.

"Wanna explain what happened?" He asked looking you dead in the eye.

"W-well," you took a shaky breath, "I was running from a basilisk that had been following me for some time and ran into Annabeth who introduced herself and offered to help. It was guarded by other monsters so she helped me take them down..." you trailed off loosing your confidence and looking down at your black vans.

"And the basilisk?" He questioned.

You tentatively looked up, "it's still out there, Annabeth passed out after it tried to eat me I was in its throat it choked on me and spat me out. She was unconscious so I ran here she spoke about it before she passed out." They all sort of nodded and you walked with them as Annabeth was being escorted to the infirmary. You could feel it getting closer again it had found your scent again and this time even though it was alone it was angry and bloodthirsty for revenge. You trembled slightly but luckily nobody noticed.

"So what's your name?" The glasses boy asked.

"Erm call me Wren" you replied trying to avoid the question by twisting it.

"I'm Jason," he said then pointed to the medic and the obsidian haired boy, "That's Will and Nico, you know Annbeth the girl with the brown hair is Piper my girlfriend and the boy with Annabeth is Percy her boyfriend. The one with green hair is Kayla and the other boy is Austin" You nodded.

"I should go I'm needed elsewhere..." you trailed off and started to back out of the room.

"Wait." Jason spoke, "how old are you and how did you get into the camp are you a demigod or a legacy?"

Overwhelmed by the questions you answered quickly and quietly only giving one truth to protect your identity.

"I'm a child of Nemesis and I'm 16, see you all around I guess..." you pushed out of the room and began walking over to the pine. Exhaustion was weighing on you now but you wouldn't give in to sleep it was too dangerous they would just find you again you had to keep moving.

Will POV
He hadn't looked properly at Wren he was too busy checking Annabeth and making sure she was ok under the care of Austin and Kayla as it was their afternoon shift. You walked back over to the others as Percy thanked him and sat beside Annabeth. They were all staring at the door except for Nico who was strangely attentive on Annabeth and it made him uneasy.

"What is it Nico?" He said breaking the silence.

"The aura of death! It's gone completely Annabeth has none at all it was so big I thought it was their collective but now she left the room it's gone." Nico looked at him.

"We need to get her back here when you say big Nico how high was her chance of death in percentage?" He said quickly to attract everyone's attention.

"I would say definitely above 60% it's hard to say in percentages" Nico put it bluntly.

"We need to go get her!" He said out loud everyone rushed out the door and sprinted to see you just approaching Thalia's pine tree.

Once again you stumbled over roots and made it back to where you realised stood the Athena Parthenos and a dragon protecting the golden fleece. This must be what holds up the border there was commotion and then you turned to see all of the demigods from before minus Percy and Annabeth were sprinting towards you so without thinking twice you ran straight into the forest plunging into its hidden depths. You looked down at your fingers and saw they were non existent. Another shadow jump would kill you, no more powers you told yourself. Well at least not today.

You got further into the forest when you heard someone shout 'Wren' from above. You recognised it as Jason and you ducked just in time to see him fly over the area you had just been standing carrying Piper who was bent his second set of eyes.

On the ground nearby you heard more voices. They were getting closer and with movement ahead they would find you very quickly...

Sorry for the cliff hanger well not really hope you liked the next chapter is coming.

Love ya

- Newolympus X

A Ray of Darkness ~ Child Of Hades Reader ~ Percy Jackson Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें