Chapter 4

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Warning- talks about claustrophobia and sleep deprivation.

You slowly followed Will and Nico back to the cabin where Annabeth and Percy had been left earlier. On your way down you could see Jason and Piper observing from a distance. Will was so stubborn but had so easily dissolved your anger which surprised you as you were not one to back down from a feud or argument.

You followed him into a building, inside the walls had bunks pushed against the edges with organised mess hanging off coat pegs. A few people milled about and pushed through the double doors, where Will also followed through. Nico just waited outside the double doors leaving you alone following Will. You felt anxious and honestly felt your eyes darting around for shadows you could escape through.

He led you to the back corner to a bed with fresh sheets and it was far away from any other demigods. That's when you realised Annabeth wasn't there she must have recovered and gone to do whatever campers do here. You felt slightly guilty that you promised to explain to her but not telling her was probably also for the best.

Will ushered you to the bed so you slipped off your shoes and sat at the very end of the bed with your back against the metal headboard. Will pulled a curtain around the bed and pulled a clipboard off the end of your bed. This was the part you dreaded, he was going to ask you lots of personal questions.

"So I need your name, age, height and godly parent," Will said as he looked up at you from his clipboard.

"Call me Wren, I'm 16, (y/h) foot and a child of Nemesis." You looked at the already crumpled sheets not making any eye contact.

"Ok anything injury wise that I need to know about" He scanned you quickly only to find nothing on you.

"Nope" you replied curtly making sure you didn't stumble over your words because you would rather he didn't know of your injuries. They were fine, yes they would bleed and needed restitching but that's nothing you couldn't do as soon as you got out of here.

Will looked down at his clipboard and mumbled to himself as he filled in a few more details.

"When was the last time you slept?" He queried, you thought for a long time and the days added to around 8 but that was not the number you were going to share. So all you did was shrug and continue to pick at your fingernails.

He slipped through the curtain and appeared to have a quick fire conversation with Kayla. You began to feel more uncomfortable, you just wanted to get out of here you drew in your knees and hugged them to your chest. The curtain was making you quite claustrophobic but you didn't want to show yourself as weak. You prayed to Hades that Will would be back sooner rather than later because your hands had started to shake. You looked down and realised that through your stress and anxiety your fingers had gone completely transparent and was passing straight through the bed. Not now you thought anything but this please I just want to get out of here.

Will pushed through the curtain and drew it back till it was completely open. Your tightness in your chest began to release and your fingers were fully formed once again. Will did a double take until he decided to speak up.

"Is there something I need to know Wren?" He looked at you with concern which just made you look away.

"Y/n..." you mumbled quietly so he just couldn't hear.


"It's nothing I was just thinking about something..." you reassured trailing off at the end making him raise and eyebrow. He knew you wouldn't tell him but he would find out. Sooner or later.

Night fell and you hadn't moved an inch to the point your feet had begun to go dead and your muscles ached even though you were meant to be resting.

You looked at the time and saw it was just turning 1 am and you were exhausted but you couldn't give in or the nightmares would hunt you down. Sleep was one of the things you desperately avoided but nobody could stay awake forever. You shifted to get more comfortable and the bed creaked seriously loudly and you cursed as you heard quiet footsteps come around the corner there was Will who looked at you with bleary eyes.

"Sorry for waking you..." you mumbled. Will just looked at you and shook his head.

"Have you been asleep?" You just nodded, "want to talk about anything?" You shook your head and fumbled pulling your feet under the covers. He looked at your sheets and you saw how obvious it was that you hadn't slept but you weren't going to tell him so it didn't matter.

He sat on the end of your bed, "you need to sleep it's not healthy to stay up and by the looks of it this isn't the first time you have done it. I can see the bags under your eyes and before you complain I'm getting you a sleeping draught whether you like it or not ill wait here until you take it." His words were final and it took you aback slightly. How could someone that you hadn't trusted at all had put so much care and effort in trying to gain your trust. Were you really worth all of his time and now sleepless night?

He popped out of view and came back with a tiny glass, he handed it to you after he let you get comfortable. You took the liquid and looked at its strangely clear colour. You looked up at Will who was still stood over you tapping his foot. You swallowed the liquid it was sickly sweet but before you could do anything more your eyes slipped closed and sleep came easier than it had since you were 11...

Next chapter is on its way. Thanks for reading <3

Love ya
- Newolympus X

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