Chapter 6

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Warning- Panic attacks mentions, insomnia and PTSD

Your dreams were fairly peaceful after all you recall doing was slightly touching Nico's hand and then there was nothing else that you remembered. You woke up and it appeared to be around midday as the sun was shining through the opposite windows. You pushed yourself up to see people push through the double doors it was Kayla, Will and Annabeth and all of them were coming over to you.

You looked down at your feet and tried to ignore them all as they sat in various positions around your bed. After about 5 minutes of akward silence Annabeth broke it and requested to speak with you alone. The others just nodded and begun to strip beds and tend to the other 4 people who were in the beds closest to the entrance. They had all arrived today and from what you heard it was from an accident on the Lava wall.

"So, want to tell me why you had a basilisk after you? How you survived being swallowed and why you haven't told anyone about your arrow wound?" You blushed and looked down hoping nobody heard her and luckily they hadn't. You felt very trusting of Annabeth and you felt that it was only fair if you told her the truth. The whole truth.

"I will explain everything if you promise not to tell anyone, I need to come to terms with it myself and if everyone knows I will just shadow travel away." You could see as the truth hit her. She lowered her voice.

"Your a child of Hades! So your telling me your father is trying to find you and that's why you wanted to leave because you are easier to find if you are with other demigods." You nodded.

"My name is y/n and I'm a 16 year old demigod daughter of Hades. I know about Nico and that's why I have to go. I shadow travelled too much and went through the basilisk and wasn't eaten. I don't want Will to touch me because he will sense my darkness and I need to avoid Nico because he will find out soon enough." She nodded.

"I'll figure something out, I'll still call you Wren but I expect you to tell someone soon because that shoulder needs looking at. Keep me updated and don't worry I'll try figure something out." You gave her a small smile.

"See you around Annabeth," she smiled and got up and left leaving you alone to your thoughts. At one point Will came over and said that if you rested up tonight you would be free tomorrow to play capture the flag. You had no clue what that was but intrigued you were definitely willing to give it a try. He also promised you more sleeping draught for tonight and reassuring you that he wouldn't be on shift that night but Kayla would be on hand all night and if he was needed he would be back ASAP.

That night you sat and stared at the sleeping draught for hours since Will had put on your side table. It was your fear of the nightmares that was messing with your thoughts. It should be easy just to quickly swallow some liquid but there was always some doubt that stopped you right before you would take it. You didn't wasn't to be a bother so you just sat there staring at the small cup. Looking at the time you saw it was midnight on the dot. Kayla would be making her final rounds that they would do ever 4 hours at night. You heard her slow foot steps as she stopped by each patient to make sure they were ok and for those from the accident on the Lava wall she would ensure that their fevers were under control. The footsteps grew closer and you saw her come around the corner your eyes flashed as you saw her. She obviously knew that you were awake now.

"Hey Wren why are you still awake hun?" You just looked at her and shrugged.

"I thought Will gave you sleeping draught..." She saw the cup and then looked back at you, "oh, why haven't you taken it. It will help you know it blocks out dreams and blocks any godly influence over what you see." You just nodded and looked down but her green and ginger hair looked so unnaturally natural that you just wanted to ruffle it out of its place.

"I'm going to stay here until you take it," she sat right next to you and you had to hold yourself back from leaning against her through your exhaustion.

You let out a weak laugh, "That's exactly what Will did yesterday" you smiled at her.

"You know Wren I think that's the first time I heard you laugh it suits you. You should do it more often." You looked down to hide the pale dusting of blush on your cheeks. She handed you the cup and you raised it to your lips. Before you could think about it anymore you laid down and drank the liquid. It slid down your throat and before you could do anymore your eyes slipped closed and you felt the pressure off the bed beside you lift. You were gone so quickly that you even thought you felt the covers being draped over your tiny shoulders.

Nico POV
He had told Will everything that had happened with the new girl, Will seemed deep in thought and then spoke up.

"She seemed so nervous about sleeping yesterday she must have been afraid of the nightmares." He nodded and looked up at Will while he was clinging to his side. They had started sleeping together at first by accident, then to ease his nightmares and then they became a couple so they slept together for all of the above.

They slowly fell asleep knowing that they would deal with whatever tomorrow brings they would fight together.

Imma do a bit of Kayla X Reader cos I need reader fluff

Love ya
- Newolympus X

A Ray of Darkness ~ Child Of Hades Reader ~ Percy Jackson FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora